Displaying Other Accounts

This morning I discovered the option in Monzo Labs to add my Barclays mortgage to the accounts that get shown in Monzo. I turned it on, and that’s all working great.

I think that the only leaves three more financial accounts I have that I can’t see in Monzo:

  • ISA (with FreeTrade)
  • SIPP (also with FreeTrade)
  • Premium Bonds

What chance is there of seeing some of these in the Monzo app at some point?

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Without them providing open banking APIs (which they’re not obligated to do, and because it costs time and money, they almost certainly won’t do), zero.

The next best thing would be Monzo allowing manual accounts if you’re Plus/Premium

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Thanks. I’ve also just found this discussion

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Rumour has it that Monzo will be launching some sort of investment product in the UK this year. I’ll be interested to see if it’s more Freetrade or more Vanguard. Or, indeed, is built on either!