Monzo Plus: Add offline/manual accounts that don't support Open Banking

I was really hoping I’d be able to see all my other bank accounts in the Monzo app through open banking now that Monzo plus has introduced this.

Unfortunately, most savings accounts with other banks (Help to buy/Premium bonds etc) don’t support Open Banking so you can’t add them.

If we could add ‘offline sources’ and update the balance manually that would be great. For most people this probably wouldn’t need updating more than a couple times a month, and would make the Monzo app into more of a dashboard for our money, allowing us to easily see where it’s all distributed.

I understand it’s not a great long term solution but would certainly be very useful for the foreseeable future.

For those who have used Money Dashboard I was hoping this feature could function a bit like their “offline sources” tool.


Hi, there’s an existing thread for this suggestion:

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Woops, my bad. Have voted there instead

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