This would mean that we can have balances represented in Monzo that currently aren’t supported to be added, e.g. ISAs or other savings accounts - or even cash for people really keen with budgeting
Don’t forget to vote for your idea
Thanks, first post here!
Great suggestion.
Money Dashboard already do this, and whilst it’s not ideal it definitely helps. I currently use it from my ISAs and other savings accounts they aren’t supported with OB.
You might have accidentally given me a reason to move away from Monzo Plus… let’s hope they add this as a feature in the next three months
So. I am fairly sure from reading some of the stuff about US app development that Monzo were actively looking into/building the ability for US users to track cash spend in the app by manually putting transactions in etc.
Presumably if this is still being worked on, this could be used to manually add other accounts and transactions too.
Emma Pro already has manual accounts, albeit pretty basic at the moment. An update is supposedly in the pipeline.
It’s strange to me that Monzo seems to have decided to compete with aggregators like moneydashboard, Emma etc. I’m not sure monzo can really catch up
Now that Money Dashboard has announced they are shutting down I predict that some (me, at least) will start looking to Monzo to do more of their dashboarding needs.
One thing I really liked in Money Dashboard was the ability to add “manual” accounts for providers that don’t support Open Banking APIs or for things like loans.
That way you can get a realistic “net worth” for yourself which is helpful for various things.
Saw a more recent thread about this, and because this older conversation was linked to, I’m adding my vote here.
Here here, now that money dashboard is clisong i really value the option of adding a manual accoint so i can see my total worth from accoints that aren’t supported with open banking like my pensions and cash savings.
Same request as recent input, leaving money dashboard and have opted for Monzo plus, but missing this feature
Would absolutely love to see some kind of integration with other types of accounts in the future… other than just adding my other high street bank accounts with monzo plus I would love to be able to add investment accounts such as Vangaurd / trading 212 as well as NS&I accounts.
Not sure if this is possible but if it is that would be amazing!
Absolutely, I have two saving accounts with Nationwide that are not supported and this would help me as well.
Can we also have the ability to pay to that account rather than just transfer one payment into Monzo via the Monzo app?
I’d like to be able to add savings and investment accounts from other providers to the Monzo app and organise them under Savings & Investments
I have a Natwest Digital Regular Saver and a Trading 212 ISA which I would like to see in the app.
I’m new here, and I can see there has been some ideas in the past re linking Catalogue Balances in Monzo, I think it would be absolutely brilliant to have EVERYTHING finance in one App, I’m not sure whether you could do this using automatic systems or open banking, but even the option to manually add these would be a good start. To help with finance tracking.