This is related to several other chains about Monzo not retaining payment references. However, I see that it now does - hoorah!
Small additional suggestion: auto-fill the reference with the last used option. I know it’ll just save one scroll & click per payment, but in the interwebz, every save helps.
Just to let you know - we now do this! Go to pay someone you’ve paid before, and we’ll autofill the last-used reference. Hope that saves a bit of time!
In relation to this, I transferred some money to my Marcus account this morning using the “Send money to xxx” on a previous transaction and rather than use the previous reference it used “Sent from Monzo”. I’m running iOS if that makes a difference.
Not sure if it’s released properly yet. I have it but it’s a TestFlight version. I might be wrong
Or it might have been updated and you need to update your app
Hi- mine does not default to the last used reference, it always defaults to my first ever used for that payee- is there a way to change this? I know you can type to change it but I’d like to change the default one for a payee.