Custom Card Designs

Barclays still offer custom card, the problem are the embossed numbers and nasty visa logo (misaligned). The barclays branding is still there and back of the card is unchanged.

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Yeh boom, so simple, not ideal for everyone but works for the company and can be worked with

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There are many way to get a custom card but most I know are shiny metal rectangle for 50£+


The fact that Barclays has done it for many years shows its a good idea and can work with the company, you are not the arbiter of all good ideas just because you scroll through a forum looking for fights lol

Otherwise even more simple, get a non-embossed monzo card. Print your design with the chip and round cuttout and stick it in :rofl::rofl:

If you think that card above looks good and is good for branding then we’ll never ever agree.

Another company doing something isn’t a sign it’s a good idea either.


Yeh I’ve never understood metal cards lol, lose contactless for the sake of style lol urgh

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It’s a compromise between custom and business branding and can be worked with

Oh and no but that company having continued to do so for many years shows it’s not a detrimental idea, it’s a novelty that will bring people to Monzo

Chill It was a ‘test’ card so yeah it looks a bit horrible. I still use the normal premier card.

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It doesn’t show that either.

Monzo will not do this, they’d be crazy to get rid of their distinguishing feature to have sloppy designs everywhere. And it costs them a lot.

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Very much does, again, you are not the arbiter of all good ideas just because you scroll through a forum looking for fights, why are you trying to shut someone up just because you don’t like it? Trying to put the idea down and act like it hasn’t been posted multiple times over the years and as if it hasn’t worked for Barclays for multiple years

Frankly you’re the one who needs to give up my dude, you don’t get to shut people down just because you personally don’t like an idea :rofl: you are beautifully demonstrating the forum frequenters attitude that I’ve been talking about tho

You really think the colour of the bank cards is Monzos only distinguishing feature? :rofl:

Nobody is looking for a fight?

You posted a terrible idea, I showed you where that idea was posted previously so you could add your vote.

You’ve gone on and on and on about it being a good idea because Barclays do it, when you haven’t even thought about anything else?

I’m not the decision maker but it’s so so obvious if you had more than 3 brain cells.

If you think the coral cards are not a key reason for growth, you’ve proven my point even better than I could have ever imagined.


Ahh the classic “floundering for arguments so resorting to insults” I see you are done, and I wish you well, try not telling people to give up and learn a thing or two about not saying anything if you don’t have anything constructive to say, many people have posted the idea, many people want it, good day :blush:

Im sorry but It doesnt cost much to make a bank card (about 1£), especially considering that banks have deals with suppliers like thales to bulk order so it cost even less.

Pretty sure the fiver referral thing, getting pay days a day early, and no added fees for foreign transactions have done more for Monzo than a bank card colour ever would, it’s purely aesthetic

Ordering custom cards would just be another feature added to that list, frankly the coral colour is kinda blegh

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Realistically I doesnt matter how much you guys argue, monzo/any banks will never allow custom cards unless you take their premium package (Premier customer or Monzo Premium plan) or pay for it. :joy::joy: