Custom Card Designs

If people want an ugly card that’s on them. But my point was the second sentence you didn’t quote.

Absolutely not.

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Doge is the new coral

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I still think that this is hands down the best one :rofl:

Mine looks the same shade as an orange highlighter pen! I also just realised last night that the card is made up of two pieces stuck together. Pretty flimsy.

When your card is up for renewal try using your nails and you can separate the two quite easily. I did the other week when I was intrigued to see the circuit inside.

Is it easy to see where/which bit the contactless part is?

if they did, you just know some teens are going to use x-rated pics…

I still remember Harvey Price and the Barclaycard design your own card.

Would be lovely to have such option with monzo :slight_smile:

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Obviously only if it were a one off charge to “buy” the card but yeah

The idea has been posted multiple times over the last few years so plenty of people clearly want custom cards, just charge a reasonable fee for it to cover costs

(Custom images/colours/text, obv needs moderation but yeah it’s pretty common sense what shouldn’t be allowed)


Join Barclays then :rofl:


It’s literally a dreadful idea that’s been posted many times. A whopping 14 votes in nearly 6 years.



How would they give me a custom card for my Monzo account?

It’s literally a great idea, and that’s the problem with using a forum to rate ideas no matter what you post people go out of their way to find fault with it and stuff only rarely gets enough attention to get a fair shot, it’s been posted multiple times over the years because people want it lol

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It’s an awful idea for many reasons. That’s why it doesn’t exist.

Nothing to do with a forum and votes or a “fair shot”

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“many reasons” Of which you can’t even give a single example, common sense moderation takes care of inappropriate stuff being put on cards pretty easily

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Design, branding, recognition. There’s three.

It’s not going to happen.


You yourself said the idea has been posted many times, that plus the fact that it hasn’t gotten many votes, tells me that everyone just wants to submit their ideas and not go through a forum to upvote other instances, a key problem with using a forum for feedback, feedback is meant to be collected by the company not battled out in a comment thread, most people are just trawling through looking for fights in a forum like this, it’s a cynical person’s wet dream

Branding can be consistent without needing all cards to look exactly the same, it doesn’t have to remove the logo.

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The fact it hasn’t got many votes shows it’s a terrible idea.

Monzo will introduce things regardless of votes if they like it. They don’t want custom cards because it’s terrible for business.