CSV Export Issues

Hi All,

I just realized something about CSV export of MONZO. In the statement the debit amount and the credit amount are in one column. If you add sum rule to that column yo just see your Balance. However sometime we really need to see how much money we spend in isolation that how much money came inside the account and if CSV export can have separated column for “MONEY IN” and “MONEY OUT” that would solve everything.

And there is no way to see the total spending or balance in the statement as well.

Please guide me.


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Hi Roozbeh ( you might want to remove your email address from the public forum ??? :slight_smile: )

Separating positive and negative numbers from a column.

add two columns next to your “amount” column “money in” - “money out”

For the positive values “money in” select money in cell at the top of the column and type this formula


  • Column C is the Column in your spreadsheet containing spent values

press Enter button and drag fill handle to fill range you want down the spreadsheet - positive values are separated into the column.

for the negative values “money out” type this formula into money out column cell at the top of the column


press Enter button, and drag fill handle to fill range you want down the spreadsheet. The positive and negative values are separated into two column

And there is no way to see the total spending or balance in the statement as well.

this is simply using the sum function at the end of the amount column C for balance (i.e. spent against incoming ) or money out column for spending

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Thanks a lot. Hope there will be this feature in the CSV by itself.


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