Convincing Friends / Family to use Monzo!

I have gone through most of your situations as well. So I’ll just add one more which might be of interest to the company.

I keep trying to convince a friend to get onboard (he’s a space engineer working for Airbus) but after a quick search about Monzo he stumbled upon one of their social network videos with support employees acting a bit too “millennial”…

That was literally enough to give him cold feet. His quote: “I will never signup to a bank that makes stupid videos like that”. I just can’t shake that company image off him now.

Monzo should be careful not to alienate some segments of the market.
I personally don’t check any of the social stuff. I’m not bothered by it and don’t associate that with the quality of the product. I’m a product manager myself so I am sufficiently impressed by the UX and attention to detail to LOVE it. But it’s worth keeping in mind that we don’t all get onboard through the same door.