When it works.
It’s easier to use the search function. Just click the magnifying glass in the top right of the screen
Given that I only have a cheque every blood moon, I’ll just nod and agree.
Hi all,
I’m not sure how many of you put up with the HSBC app but it does have one very good feature.
You can take images of a cheque and cash it in within the app.
Antiquated as cheque’s are I’m sure that it would be a welcome feature for those who do sometimes have to cash them in.
Anyone else think that this could be a good idea?
Hi Sam
There has already been a lot of discussion about cheque imaging on these threads:
Maybe someone from Coral Crew could merge?
They put cheque paying-in via app on the back-burner I think? Late last year or early this year
Hi @sherrattsp, I’ve moved your post into the main Cheque imaging thread to keep the things tidy. I hope that’s okay!
Fine by me
Right okay
I can see why, I can’t imagine cheques are the most used things used by your average monzo user.
Plans to provide this service were paused back in 2018.
See this link: https://monzo.com/blog/2018/06/21/paying-cheques-into-monzo/
You can however post cheques in, as detailed here: https://monzo.com/help/payments-getting-started/cheque-how-to-pay
I’ve paid a few cheques in via post and it was a very smooth process, your notified the moment they receive it and given the date the cheque will clear
Sorry to drag back an old topic, but, having received a cheque for over £200 last week I put it in a envelope with a first class stamp last Monday expecting to receive a notification on Tuesday or at the least Wednesday of its safe arrival. Today, Friday, still no notification and chat tell me no sign of a cheque. This was for expenses I’ve accrued from the small charity I work for. Their bank will charge them £20 to stop the cheque which they can ill afford. I am still out of pocket. If only there was cheque Imaging available…
I know it’s not the point but why pay your expenses by cheque? Especially with the circumstances surrounding how difficult it would be for you to cash it? Or do they not know?
It’s early days yet. I have a feeling they can take longer than 4 days to appear in app.
No it’s not the point. That is the way they have chosen to pay me. I don’t think it’s unreasonable. Cheques remain a legitimate method of payment. I have taken extra care by addressing the envelope and paying for a stamp rather than using the Freepost option but the system has failed. I find it disappointing that Monzo has walked away from providing cheque imaging which would have provided a better solution.
Sounds like the postal system has failed you. Not Monzo.
Not sure anything has failed. I don’t think I’ve seen anything say you’ll get a notification in a day or 2. Depending what time you posted it, it might not have been delivered until Wednesday. Then, as far as I know, they’re locked away until they’re processed. I wouldn’t worry until next Wednesday
I assume they’ll have to be taken to whoever does Monzo’s clearing.
Conversely and again this isn’t the point of this thread but why should any organisation who wishes to issue a cheque not do so?
I don’t get this expectation that some have that organisations have to change the way they do things because of how others choose to bank.
Its not for them to worry about how difficult it would be for a specific person to pay a cheque in. After all, its a recognized method of transferring funds and other banks lets you pay in cheques in via multiple methods such as cheque imaging, branches, post offices, ATMs etc…
I think Monzo open them in batches, you get the notification and then it goes to be cleared
Absolutely the postal system has failed - but this is the system Monzo advocates for paying in cheques as they have chosen not to pursue cheque imaging.