It’s not a standard feature of CASS. It’s not something that every bank offers. Our risk appetite regarding lending has been quite conservative because it’s still so new to us - remember that our current accounts are still less than 2 years old.
Suppose - just a bit embarrassing as I’ve convinced my partner to switch to monzo and her first experience with chat was a bit meh - they did reply and the reply wasn’t very helpful - but either way all sorted now, rang nationwide and paid the OD with the monzo OD
I don’t really understand it though - I understand if it’s a technical reason, but being risk averse stopping you makes no sense - you’ve already offered my partner an OD that exceeds the remaining OD on her existing bank, all you’ve done is add an additional step as we had to ring nationwide and manually pay the OD with her monzo OD - it’s the same result with an additional step.
My comment was more about why we don’t offer the moving of an overdraft in general, not in a specific instance - sorry if that wasn’t clear!
It’s quite possible there are technical and other reasons too. Some extra context that may be relevant could be that at the moment we only report to one Credit Reference Agency, and that we only presently offer overdrafts up to £1000. So, building a system to also move overdrafts, would, at the moment, have to account for the fact that some people may have larger overdrafts, and also their previous bank may have offered overdrafts based on multiple CRA relationships as a whole.
I’m not in the Lending team so I’m speculating here, but this could be why - I appreciate that the situation has added an additional step that for the customer, doesn’t seem to make much sense, and hopefully it’s something we can offer in the future.