Cashback is coming to more customers šŸš€

I paid for Nandos on Saturday via google pay. Got instant cashback. Did end up using two orange rewards though so only got Ā£1.10 back :smiley:

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Did you use cashier or scan the table thing?

I ordered via the web app in store.

Shouldnā€™t make a huge difference tbf.

I used the cashier, as the app and web doesnā€™t allow me to redeem two Nandos rewards at the same time.

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I scanned the code on the table which for me opens the nandos app where I paid with Apple Pay.

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Maybe thatā€™s my issue with Trainline, I always pay via Apple Pay

Will add my debit card to Trainline and try it tomorrow

Same as me and conveniently neither of us got the money.



I paid with my debit card online with trainline and itā€™s not auto captured the cashback so had to ask them to do it.


Wonder if itā€™s because we used the app/table code then? Shouldnā€™t matter, the transaction is Nandos. :man_shrugging:t2:


Tbh I donā€™t think it matters how you pay (Apple/google or debit card) for some reason the cashbacks just arenā€™t being captured. Maybe because the merchant IDs arenā€™t what they was expecting them to be.

All it says is they only support Google/Apple Pay as digital wallets. So no PayPal etc.


Was it this bad before they got a 3rd party to control the cashback?

On the cashback page at the bottom you can report it missing.

Cashback usually tracked and paid within 35 days, but for the team to take a look itā€™s 40 days.

Surely be easier to automate this part - no cashback paid recently. Calculate % and pay auto.

If continuing claims, freeze and review manually.


I did it pretty much as soon as the cashback didnā€™t track, itā€™s the first and only time itā€™s happened for me and Iā€™ve been in it since the first round so canā€™t complain too much.

I did get a solid 14p from Superdrug the day before and that was instant still.

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That option doesnā€™t exist anymore for everyone.

Some people literally canā€™t just get in touch. The app blocks them at every end point where the option is supposed to exist.

Iā€™m in that group of the A/B test now. The only way I can get in touch with Monzo is to use my iOS shortcut which deep links to chat. Or one of the URLs which also deep links to it.



What do they expect these folks to do? Is there not a regulation against this? And are you sure thereā€™s no sneaky link somewhere?

If so, Iā€™ll be very :rage:


Not that I can see!

Itā€™s missing on the something wrong page, and the contacting support help article (which was first reported several weeks ago in a different thread).

I think they are regulated in a way that if they need help they can access it, but monzo likes to go the self help route and then, for me at least, most pages have this at the bottom:

Thatā€™s take from the contacting support article.

I donā€™t even have that at the bottom either! :angry:


I might have it cuz Iā€™ve been in touch this past month, but to be fair Iā€™ve never not had it afaik.

The Contacting Support help page has a link to contact support for me, but it takes me to a multiple choice quiz, and so far any combination I tried results in a self-help article with no link to support.

I didnā€™t try the frauded path because I donā€™t want to raise alarm bells (with Monzo re fraud that never happened), but this is concerning. Like closing my account and getting my partner to CASS to Chase levels of concerning.

Someone from Monzo please clarify, thanks.

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