Cashback is coming to more customers šŸš€

Looks like the table app uses the website not ā€œin storeā€ and most cashback in store doesnā€™t allow website purchases. Your purchase is from

Itā€™s probably something Monzo need to change. Iā€™m sure they will.

It would explain why ordering from the cashier went through fine.


The link just isnā€™t on that page at all for me now. Iā€™m in the same boat as @urban

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This is the flow Iā€™m getting (managed to get a free text box appear by going Flex ā†’ Something else)

I presume chat is at the end of the free text box.

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Thatā€™s what I have now. I donā€™t know if typing opens a chat though.

Itā€™s insane how complex it can be to speak to Monzo, and I donā€™t know why they insist on doubling down on their support trashing.


I donā€™t have the chat with us option either, I only just switched to Monzo so this isnā€™t helping with my usual paranoia about things going wrong. :pensive:

Might end up giving RBS a go when my C&Co account is set up. :thinking:

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Is this worth any of you panicking about when you donā€™t actually need support?

You donā€™t know what the flow does or where it ends up if youā€™re only half filling it in and making up potential scenarios.

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Do you guys not get the option at all saying ā€œI need to chat with someoneā€?

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I want to know if support can be easily accessed before I need it. I donā€™t think thatā€™s unreasonable, nor is anyone panicking.


But then thereā€™s the argument of do you need support agents when the self help articles are quite simplified and talk you through how to resolve most problems you might face (having worked support there; the questions you get are ridiculous at times and mostly result in staff sending what the help article says - as staff canā€™t do most things the customer can).

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But if you donā€™t know what your issue is, you donā€™t know where the flow ends up?

People donā€™t want to test it fully and get through to a support agent for being frauded when they donā€™t actually need that support.

Itā€™s half a test and then acting like itā€™s failed.

I suspect I can speak to someone, and Iā€™m satisfied with the flow I have.

I think it should be easier. Again I donā€™t think thatā€™s unreasonable.

Plenty of other companies with similar or larger customer numbers manage. I donā€™t buy that Monzo couldnā€™t.

I know some folk here like to just take an opposing stance because it doesnā€™t affect them, but this clearly is an issue for enough customers and thereā€™re enough posts of people confused or outright unable to speak to their bank that Iā€™m satisfied it needs to be improved.

Direct people by all means if possible, but it should be easy to speak to someone via chat or phone for a financial ā€œcentreā€ app.


I mean, kinda.

That Tap here to get started link in @ndrwā€™s screenshot isnā€™t there on mine, so I canā€™t get far enough to even make up a scenario.

I need to know my bank will have my back when I eventually need it. But if I canā€™t even find a way to get to the chat directly in the Monzo app, itā€™s real off putting. Just makes the revamped Monzo Plusā€™s job of luring me back even harder.

My shortcut works, yes. But this all just leaves me feeling for how long?


Over the last 9 years how many times have you, or others here, needed to actually contact monzo for something thatā€™s wrong - that canā€™t be fixed by self help or here?

Here shouldnā€™t be a resource. Self help is there but lots of times people want to and should be able to talk to someone.

I just think judging it based on maybe/if when you donā€™t need it isnā€™t a fair test.


Again thatā€™s very self focused as a reply. Iā€™ve contacted Monzo a few times, and generally it was positive (though the passing to and fro is really annoying) but it does not matter what I might need, itā€™s a broader issue that some people might need more help than you.

Good for you if you never need support. Youā€™re not affected if they make it easier or harder either way. So why do you care that other people care?


Engaging in conversation doesnā€™t ultimately mean I need to care.

Itā€™s generally known monzo support isnā€™t the greatest, so why these folk donā€™t talk with their feet and go elsewhere for better support then strive for (albeit made up in head scenarios theyā€™ve never needed before).

Iā€™m not sure why peopleā€™s solution to customer service issues is always to suggest people just leave Monzo. This forum should be a place where people who want to continue using Monzo, because generally they are happy with it, can feedback that certain areas such as customer service need work.

I have found customer service very annoying at times but it doesnā€™t make me want to leave Monzo, it makes me want them to do better.


I just find it weird how some posters are quite against Monzo making support easier to access while at the same time saying they donā€™t ever need support.

ā€œjust leave Monzoā€ is a cop out answer, sorry.

Support should be easy, simple and as stress free as possible.

If an app or company need so many FAQā€™s then perhaps they should wonder why they need so many, and try to fix some of the issues before they become support issues.


I have. Chase have everything of mine now. Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ve stopped caring about Monzo. I want to be able to bank on Monzo again. Hence my contributions to these discussions.


I needed to contact them a couple of weeks ago because a refund to me was declined by Monzo. It was an absolute fucking nightmare trying to contact them - you canā€™t report that kind of transaction as ā€˜something wrong with this transactionā€™.