Cashback is coming to more customers šŸš€

Wonder if this is actually going to take 40 days :eyes:

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This is new isnā€™t it? Spent some money at Tesco today and got excited there was a new offerā€¦ but itā€™s just Gousto #sadface

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Did that button just enable Gousto? :melting_face: where did you find it lol

Itā€™s in the transaction of my Tesco spend. Takes me to cash back and highlights Gousto as being ā€œgroceriesā€

Bizarre to mark gousto as groceries but we roll with it

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I class Gousto as groceries. Not sure what the difference is between me buying all of the ingredients for all the same recipes from Gousto from Sainsburys, and them sending them all in a box :man_shrugging:t2:


Valid point, when someone says groceries they donā€™t immediately think of Hello Fresh or Gousto mind you

Yup, I probably only do because itā€™s something Iā€™ve used for so long now!

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It doesnā€™tā€¦. Usually a week or twoā€¦. Is it meant to be automatic, because for me it hasnā€™t since the trial

I had to mark each and every Trainline recently as I wasnā€™t getting cashback

Yeah thatā€™s the one I had to do

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Iā€™m probably being an idiot and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s an easy way to do this, but I canā€™t figure it outā€¦

Iā€™m on iOS and I wanna dispute cashback that has been deducted due to a refund, as the wrong amount has been taken back. Itā€™s a very small difference, so almost not even worth it, it was more just to feedback that something isnā€™t working.

I got 82p cashback on a Trainline transaction, but I ended up getting a refund for the tickets. However Monzo have taken Ā£1 back instead of 82p.

Iā€™ve tried getting the right flow from clicking on the Ā£1 transaction from the cashback screen, and also from the help tab, but I canā€™t seem to find the right flow to submit a cashback query. Anyone got any ideas?

If you click into it there should be an option saying ā€œsomething wrong?ā€ Then press ā€œget in touchā€ Then you might be able to select a ā€œtransaction or paymentā€ then follow along

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Purchased from Nandoā€™s last night, Apple Pay, no cashback.

Iā€™m the original sign ups so shouldā€™ve been instant tracking and payout afaik.

Iā€™ll give it a few days, but itā€™s Ā£2 odd so donā€™t particularly want to let it slip.


Everyone gets instant tracking, only OG get instant payout.

Definitely report it. Is the merchant name correct?


Yeah shows Nandoā€™s fine with logo.

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I got told by Monzo I wasnā€™t allowed my cash back from krispykreme because I received a refund for the transaction- that wasnā€™t true it was a flexed thatā€™s why it was shown as +. Now itā€™s impossible to actually chat with anyone about it as I canā€™t view my previous chats with the bank

Itā€™s not impossible to chat with them, someone explained how just a few comments up :point_up:

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Same, yesterday afternoon.

Spent Ā£37.90 there so would like my 8% cashback!


Ā£2.55 here haha

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Looks like a general issue with tracking nandos then, I also havenā€™t received any.