After JPiz mentioned how another bank issues different shaped cards for the blind, I thought it deserved a separate discussion. What do Monzo and other users think could be offered to aid the visually impaired?
while Barclays do a range of hi vis and hi contrast colours, other banks like RBS and Handelsbanken do a standard colour card with a notch in one end to help them orientate the card. RBS also have one raised dimple on the card for current accounts and three dimples for savings accounts
We’re actually discussing what we can do accesibility-wise for blind and visually impaired people this week. There’s nothing sketched out on the Roadmap currently, but we hope to make VO part of iOS testing at some point and invite some blind users to join the Testflight programme to see how we can build on this in a useful way.
As a visually-impaired person, this is of interest to me generally. That said, I’m not visually impaired enough to really need any special adjustments made but making it user-friendly and being patient with the end user counts for most of what I need.
I actually go to a blind and visually impaired charity called Galloway’s Society for the Blind. They have offices in several different places in Lancashire, as well as in Southport. I wonder if they’d be interested in this kind of thing? They have a technology group (I know that’s not quite the same thing) and I bet they’d be quite interested in something like this.
NatWest work with the RNIB on theirs. Someone from the RNIB rang me once asking if I’d go to some focus group about the design with them. But then I’m not in that demographic so i didn’t bother going.