Big Poll - the Monzo Community's 2021 Wish-list!

My wish list is

  • better integration with Trading 212
  • a net figure of savings or debt over all accounts you can add with Monzo and Monzo balance itself
  • Set reoccurring payments to be directed to a certain pot
  • Better offers for the paid accounts. All the ones there are pretty poor atm

Is there any integration?

Pedantic much? Ok, a beginning to integration with T212

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Not sure how asking a question is being pedantic :man_shrugging:

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I’d love to see an end of month sweep function that takes any outstanding balance from your current account into a designated pot just before your salary is paid in. Would stop me spending it!



This already exists. Granted it’s not manual but it will prompt you at the end of your budget period.

Brilliant news! How do I enable that? I couldn’t find it as as feature when I was looking for it.

It’s part of the end-of-month summary page

Do you have a budget set? It will be in the summary at the end.


That is so helpful Revels thank you. I don’t have a budget set but good to hear that function should still work for me. Looking forward to giving it a go next month! Thanks again for all the help.


37 hours or so to go!! And 305 voters - amazing! :tada:

So what’s going on?

:1st_place_medal: Still in first place - Monzo Credit Card ( 53% previously 55%)

It’s been decreasing percentage-wise for a while now, but its lead is unassailable. Chat / vote about a speculative Monzo Credit Card over here!.

:2nd_place_medal: Still in second place - Card payments from Bills Pots ( 45% previously 46%)

:3rd_place_medal: Still in third place - Dark Mode ( 42% down from 43%)

3% between positions two and three. By my (admittedly dodgy maths) we’ll need at least 10 people to vote for dark mode and not for card payments to change these positions. I’m not saying it’s impossible, just very unlikely!

The top-five are rounded out by…
:four: cheque imaging - 39% ( :left_right_arrow: no change in position, :arrow_down: from 40% )

:five: Full web app - 39% ( :left_right_arrow: no change in position, :left_right_arrow: no change in %age )

I don’t want to speak too soon, but it feels like things are coming to rest…

On the Battle of the Pays! :watch:
A handful of extra votes: Garmin Pay is scraping the bottom of the table at 2%; Samsung third from bottom with 4% (they’re only separated by “something else”). That means only 8 people out of 305 wanted Garmin Pay. That figure is 14 for Samsung Pay.

Back to the top of the poll! Things are looking interesting…

:six: Use virtual cards to pay from pots (36% :left_right_arrow: no change in percentage or position)
:seven: Credit card pots (35% :left_right_arrow: no change in position, down from 36%)
:eight: Transfer money directly between pots (33% :left_right_arrow: down from 36%)
:nine: Connect to investment providers (32% :left_right_arrow: no change in position or percentage)
:keycap_ten: Pay cash in at the Post Office (:arrow_up: from 11 - up 1% to 31% from 30%)

View your CVV in the app is now down from 10 to 11, losing 2% (now at 29% from 31%). It’s followed by a bit of further shuffle: native features for connected accounts has 26% and is up at #12 (from #13), followed by five tying at 25%: connect to mortgage providers, joint account parity, restore the chat button, automatic get paid early, and genuine data insights in the app. A single vote could change things substantially here! :ballot_box:

Final stretch now - and final write up after polls close!

:bar_chart: :monzo:


I totally heard Bruno Brookes read that post in my head.

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What’s gone down? Let’s take a look…

And the winner is… Monzo credit card

To the surprise of no one who’s been following along, folk really want a Monzo credit card. Will we get one? What would it work like? Discuss what’s what with Monzo credit cards over here!

In silver medal position… Card payments from Bills Pots

Also popular throughout, this might well be coming with Plus/Premium. But will it just prove to be too difficult? Only time will tell…

And finally on the podium… Dark Mode

Not so much a feature, more a quality of life improvement that more and more people are seeing as essential for apps in 2021. Monzo’s been flirting with it for a while, but will they focus and finally deliver it this year?

Now, some honourable mentions:

:four: Cheque imaging - the itch that never gets scratched…
:five: Full web app - it exists for business accounts. Will it get switched on for personal accounts? Even for paying customers?

Battle of the Pays
I’m convinced I’m giving them too much prominence. There’s really very little interest: Samsung at 4% of the votes, and Garmin at 3%. They’re bottom of the table (when you exclude the catch all ‘something else’). The cynic in me is now convinced that Monzo will release these but nothing else in an act of epic trolling.

So what does this tell us?

Monzo isn’t finished. But then it was never designed to be - properly designed and supported software never is.

But interestingly, we’re seeing a mix of wants: new products (like a credit card), innovative personal current account functionality (pay from pots), app-based quality of life stuff (dark mode), core banking functions (cheque imaging). So it’s not like Monzo’s ahead in one area and behind in another.

What next?

This hasn’t been a Monzo-approved poll. Indeed, I suspect a few Monzonauts are probably sighing about how deeply unhelpful they think it is. So we won’t expect any changes on the back of it. If we’re lucky, we might see a few of these ticked off over the course of the year… :crossed_fingers:


Can this just be posted at the top of every new thread on this forum please?

Monzo credit card would be great (even if just a rebrand initially with a feed in the app), so I hope Monzo listens to this. It could surely help them make money too from all those who spend on a cc and not a bank card.

Personally I don’t think this is innovative functionality.

People want pots to act like full accounts (i.e. allow payments from them). That’s just normal expected behaviour from a bank account and if there had to be a limit on no of accounts to offer this I imagine most customers would be happy with that.

I do think tying everything to one personal current account is a mistake which would make a lot of problems go away if they fix it. e.g. joint accounts require current accounts, pots are subsidiary to a current account, third party cards are tied to a current account, virtual cards are tied to a current account and yet not related to pots, business account requires current account, advances in current therefore don’t come to other account types, etc.

Each account should have one or more cards, users, etc. and allow payments in and out. Permissions decided by the account creator but transferable. Accounts should be associated with a user, not a current account.

Key word you used there is act, i dont want 10 different bank accounts registered with monzo. I love how i can segregate my money to certain things with pots.

I love having a bills pot which acts almost like my old setup with my legacy account where i had a second account with no card attatched that i paid direct debits from.

I also love having another pot dedicated to having my amex spending amount and a payment solely comes out of this. With a legacy i wouldnt bother having another account to do this but monzos flexability allows me to which is super useful.

I also love having multiple different pots for savings for different items, again i suppose i could have multiple savings accounts but i think that would look a bit silly having a account open purely to hold tbe £900 i have saved away for my apartment management fee, or one for my ps5 savings etc

Monzo’s “acting” like an account strategy is perfect for people like me who like to either envelope budget or envelope save (is this the correct term?)


I guess I should move to Netherlands or I guess anywhere else in Europe and use Bunq.

They give you up to 25 subaccounts. Each one has IBAN, can do SEPA payments in and out, and do direct debits. If that’s not enough you can pay more to get more. Also one can move/connect card to a given subaccount.

They also offer credit card product which is basically a secured credit card.

Would it be actually a problem to offer/activate sort code & account number for a pot if one asks?

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Those pots being accounts would not stop any of that, it would just mean external payments just worked, cards assigned to pots etc just worked, instead of requiring strategies to manage them.

If creating an account were just like creating a pot, why not do so? Nothing would force you to have a card or set up external payments, but unlike pots the solution would be there and the work already done for those who want that on some pots.

Pots being accounts doesn’t remove any functionality - if anything it makes it simpler. From monzo’s point of view the only problem I can think of is resource exhaustion on external account nos, but exposing an external no could be optional. Along with fixing their internal problems with feature parity it would certainly solve the morass of features customers are asking for (cards on pots, payments from/to pots, dds from pots) which if completed would turn these pots into… accounts.

My ever changing plans has me creating and deleting pots pretty regularly, if those pots were actual bank accounts then I’d imagine there’d be more admin involved and I’m pretty sure that it would play havoc with the likes of my credit report. I don’t know enough about that subject to know if that’s the actual case though.
What I do like with the current setup for regular pots is that they are very much just between me and my app.

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It adds complexity and makes things more complicated, im currently in the process of getting a mortgage. I wouldnt want to be showing statements for 12+ accounts/pots

I wouldnt want dozens of accounts active on my credit report