Big Poll - the Monzo Community's 2021 Wish-list!

Would love to see more financial products: car hire excess insurance, health insurance, purchase protection, etc.

Not necessarily included in the paid plans but included in the app so I can manage everything in one place.

Revolut has car hire excess, travel insurance, etc but the company and customer support still seem untrustworthy.

Looks like dozens will beat monzo to fully integrated budgeting…


Update time!

We’ve gone over 200 voters: 227 people have taken the time to vote so far. Thank you all! :bowing_man:

Here’s where things are at…

:1st_place_medal: Still in first place - Monzo Credit Card ( 57% previously 57%)

Looks like no budging at the top!

:2nd_place_medal: Still in second place - Card payments from Bills Pots ( 46% down from 47%)

Still in second - a slight decrease in percentage votes, being the credit card is pulling away ever so slightly…

:3rd_place_medal: Still in third place - Dark Mode ( 44% up from 43%)

But dark mode closes the gap very slightly. Now only two percentage points between the second and third places…

The top-five are rounded out by…

:four: credit card pots - 39% ( :arrow_up: from :six: )
:five: cheque imaging - 38% ( :arrow_down: from :four: )

Interesting shuffling here. Credit card pots right back in play!

On the Battle of the Pays! :watch:
I mean, I’m not even going to go there this time. Sorry. :zzz:

Meanwhile, all the action is just outside the top 5 with a bit of close jostling…

:six: Virtual cards from pots (37% :up: from :seven: )
:seven: Full web app (37% :arrow_down: from :five: :scream:)
:eight: Transfer money directly between pots (35% no change in percentage or position)
:nine: Connect to investment providers (34% up one percent, no change in position)
:keycap_ten: View your CVV in the app (33% no change in percentage or position)

The 20%ers remain tightly packed: at the top we have connect to mortgage providers on 28%, then joint account parity and restoration of the chat button tying at 27% - then three ties at 25% (for my money all super interesting things: automatic get paid early, genuine data insights, native rules)…

So, top three look relatively fixed still - some slight movement around the top 10 (credit card pots, looking t you!) but all to play for in the mid-table still.

If you haven’t already, vote! And tell your friends! :joy:


Something that I’d forgotten about would make my life a little easier:

Automatically save my bank statements to Google Drive (or other cloud storage).

Hit the like button if you’re similarly keen!


Yeah this for sure I download mine once a month which isn’t too much of a chore but it would be nice to get them automatically downloaded at the start of the new month for the previous.

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Why do people bother downloading statements once a month?

I used to do it and check I recognise every transaction on the statement. But since I started using Monzo and an account aggregator I have on ongoing visibility of my transactions and so no longer bother going through statements at end of month


I don’t check transactions off a statement or use an aggregator. Downloaded for peace of mind.

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I don’t look at them, but I like to have them in a place that I control and that I can use if necessary.

Thankfully it’s not as common now, but there are times when you’ll need to provide bank statements for things like mortgages. In those circumstances I’d rather not spend 30 mins tapping buttons to download / upload them.

Then there’s the case of moving banks. If I were ever to leave Monzo I’d want my entire statement history to be available. And I wouldn’t want to do it manually!


I’ve had to do that in the past month, was like ha ha I’ve got all this already stored away.

Similarly they wanted to know what debts I had with any credit accounts that I held. I had all those statements downloaded already so I could just go glance at them all and get what they need from them. Balances, limits, APR, monthly payments etc etc, having to go through every app or website to login, find this info would of taken me an age.

Having said that I’ve just read today that some digital only brokers and trying to push the bigger brokers this year into open banking to help speed up that process, granted not every credit provider has an open banking connection.


I’ve become a bit of a habitual data hoarder for all that sort of stuff over the years.

I’ve got a folder full of each years important financial documents. Payslips, P60s, Bank Statements, Utility bills. And a tracker I haven’t filled in for a while of debt/savings/networth etc.

Would be nice to have that stuff auto-export from Monzo too.

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Update time!

So, what’s going on with the poll?

:1st_place_medal: Still in first place - Monzo Credit Card ( 56% previously 57%)

Everyone really wants a Monzo credit card! But I’m intrigued what that means in practice… Maybe one to explore separately?

:2nd_place_medal: Still in second place - Card payments from Bills Pots ( 46% previously 46%)

Again, fairly static here. Top of the poll isn’t moving…

:3rd_place_medal: Still in third place - Dark Mode ( 45% up from 44%)

Creeping up really slowly is dark mode… Could it take eventually second place by its slow but steady movement upwards?

The top-five are rounded out by…

:four: cheque imaging - 39% ( :arrow_up: from :five: )

:five: credit card pots - 38% ( :arrow_down: from :four: )

Positions four and five have switched! But still super close…

On the Battle of the Pays! :watch:
There are only 14 votes for both Samsung and Garmin. Five for Garmin, and nine for Samsung. With figures like this, it feels right that Monzo isn’t prioritising the Pays…

Back to the top of the poll!

:six: Full web app (36% :arrow_up: from :seven: )
:seven: Use virtual cards to pay from pots (36% :arrow_down: from :six: )
:eight: Transfer money directly between pots (35% :arrow_backward: :arrow_forward: no change in percentage or position)
:nine: Connect to investment providers (34% :arrow_backward: :arrow_forward: no change in percentage or position)
:keycap_ten: View your CVV in the app (32% :arrow_backward: :arrow_forward: same position, but down 1%)

Pay cash in at the Post Office is at 30%, then we hit the 20%er club…

Native features for connected accounts is at 28%, followed by connect to mortgage providers at 27%, then restore the chat button at 26%, which is also the percentage that joint account parity is sitting at. Automatic get paid early, genuine data insights in-app and native rules are all clustered on 25%. Exciting!

It looks the a Monzo credit card is gonna romp home in first place, but the rest of the table might be a bit more fluid…

And, if you haven’t, please vote! :ballot_box:

:bar_chart: :monzo:


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Monzo Credit Card - what and why!

Cheque imaging, international payments, and full web app… the only three things for me to make Monzo the best again :smiley:

Tbf this isn’t really an issue with Monzo since you can just download a single statement that covers the relevant time period.

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We now have a separate topic (and poll!) on the whys and whats of a potential Monzo credit card :tada:

6 transfer many my cart

My *Youngest, when looking at Monzo (after opening a Revolut junior account for them): it doesn’t have dark mode! Well that’s bad.

*Youngest does have issues with visual stress, but so do I, so I’ve gotta agree with their analysis


An overdue update!

With 280 voters, I think we’re probably on diminishing returns now, but on we go - eight days left!

:1st_place_medal: Still in first place - Monzo Credit Card ( 55% previously 56%)

We’ve been chatting / voting about a speculative Monzo Credit Card over here. It’s still at the top of the poll, but it’s lead is (very slowly) reducing. Not enough to worry anyone though…

:2nd_place_medal: Still in second place - Card payments from Bills Pots ( 46% previously 46%)

I’ll say exactly what I said last update: “static here. Top of the poll isn’t moving…”

:3rd_place_medal: Still in third place - Dark Mode ( 43% down from 45%)

Dark mode’s slow and steady increase in percentage has been stopped! But it’s 3% ahead of cheque imaging and 3% below card payments from pots - feels fairly safe in third place…?

The top-five are rounded out by…

:four: cheque imaging - 40% ( :left_right_arrow: no change in position, up from 39% )

:five: Full web app - 39% ( :arrow_up: from :six: )

Ooh some changes…! The full web app zooms up the charts. But what of the previous #5 (credit card pots)? Let’s find out after seeing if the Battle of the Pays :tm: has heated up…

On the Battle of the Pays! :watch: :zzz:
Nothing giving here. Samsung has over double the votes of Garmin. But they’re both at the bottom - I can’t see this happening.

Back to the top of the poll! Things are looking interesting…

:six: Use virtual cards to pay from pots (36% :arrow_up: from :seven: )
:seven: Credit card pots (36% :arrow_down: from :five: :scream: )
:eight: Transfer money directly between pots (36% :left_right_arrow: no change in percentage or position)
:nine: Connect to investment providers (33% :left_right_arrow: same position but down 1%)
:keycap_ten: View your CVV in the app (31% :left_right_arrow: same position, but down 1%)

Pay cash in at the Post Office is still at 30%, then we hit the 20%er club is really clustering!

Joint account parity is up to 27%, tying with native features for connected accounts. Just over a quarter of votes to are restore the chat button at 26%, which is also the percentage of votes that want to connect to mortgage providers and get some nice data insights in the app! Automatic get paid early and native rules are tying clustered on 25%. I wonder if we’ll see more movement here? One vote could make all the difference!

So, if you haven’t already, do vote! :ballot_box:

Polls close midnight on the 28th February 2021!

:bar_chart: :monzo:


I cannot see “sold for big bag of cash” on that list?

(remember a lot of us here are just in it for the money).

If you are talking app stuff - cheque imaging has turned out to be surprisingly useful during the last year.

We’re limping to the finish line. Can we get over 300 voters?!