Be part of our cashback pilot šŸŽ‰

Did you use the Cashback Merchant Support Section Thing?

I did indeed - first time the chat was closed asking me to rate the service so I responded to reopen the conversation, only to be told itā€™s being looked into and theyā€™ve been busy (thought there was only 150 of us trialling it?) with the chat being closed again unfortunately.

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Iā€™ve noticed that the cashback pot had updated behaviour which makes it act like a regular pot.

You can select the exact amount to withdraw rather than the entirety of the pot.

Iā€™ve already withdrawn so canā€™t check but I think there was an option to select the account/pot to withdraw to (it was defaulted to my current account).


Hey @TheSamHolland!

Passing this on to the team to see if thereā€™s anything we can do :pray:


Cheers @AlanDoe - much appreciated :+1:


Iā€™ve just had my first fail a Morrisons that was a Nisa, but reports as something completely different to both. Reporting in-app now

@AlanDoe I donā€™t think my query has been picked up by someone on support that knows about cashback despite going through the cashback explained article

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All sorted with mine now @AlanDoe thanks for arranging to sort :grin:


Will the cashback always start again on the 12th of the month? I know thatā€™s when it started but seems an odd date going forward.

Update, Iā€™ve now been through the Plus/Premier team and been escalated again. 3 agents so far have touched my query, and thatā€™s despite telling them to find/talk to you @AlanDoe or @iankent

Best laid plans and allā€¦ :joy:

Did anyone ever answer this?

Indirectly, by Ian fixing a couple of Spar purchases that didnā€™t work, so it does indeed cover them.

Ran head first into the cashback limit today, have to say that itā€™s a bit disappointing to make a decent sized purchase and have it cap out the cashback.

Wonder if there could be a slightly more flexible boundary on it like counting the last transaction that takes you over the cap (with a slightly higher cutoff) just to avoid having that disappointment when you go over the limit unexpectedly.

Finding out I could have saved a few more quid by waiting a day feels a bit meh in hindsight. Not the end of the world, just an observation.


Just worth pointing out, that you may not be able to save more if you waited for 12th July, thereā€™s no guarantee that the cashback partners would be the same.

I donā€™t think they should allow people to go over the limit, the limit is there, and should be a hard limit. Otherwise, you may end up with people getting to Ā£19.99 then doing a huge order and taking it up to Ā£40 or whatever it may be.

Letā€™s see how it evolves in a couple of days! :smiley:


Iā€™m very intrigued to see what comes nextā€¦ hoping it isnā€™t going to be a massive disappointment.


Possibly was a risk to choose these offers to start unless they are similar to those that will be offered. I suppose to get feedback they needed offers lots would use. It also is a v limited trial.

Iā€™d be pleasantly surprised if the offers were this good once it fully launches. Iā€™m expecting something similar to Curveā€™s or Santander rewards.

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I understand what youā€™re saying but thatā€™s also not a Monzo problem? Thereā€™s a cap in place, if you want to maximise it every month then you have to be clever where and how you spend, itā€™s like any deal. Itā€™s why I sign up to places with a birthday thatā€™s only a couple of days away, wait till I get my discount email or voucher and then order.

If they started letting people go over on their last purchase ā€œto avoid disappointmentā€ then everyone would just save a massive purchase till last, game the system and itā€™d cost so much more for Monzo or whoeverā€™s financing the deals, theyā€™re going to want to protect against that.


Iā€™m not saying ā€˜fix it nowā€™ or ā€˜do it this wayā€™ - just highlighting a potential thing that could come up based on my experience before Monzo roll it out to everyone with some of my thoughts.


Most people are aware of how limits work, itā€™s not really confusing.

Making it so that your last transaction can go over makes it more confusing.


Came across this post so decided to post a quick comment.

Not seen the cashback feature on Monzo but will check it out, however I donā€™t like how where you spend your money is limited to partners that have signed up with Monzo.

I do like Chaseā€™s cashback as it doesnā€™t restrict you to any particular retailer etc, also I even get cashback when using it abroad.

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Monzo is paying the cashback on the trial, but when live, itā€™ll be the merchants paying (happily be corrected on this).

Chase covers the cost on theirs I believe hence they can offer it on all transactions.