Be part of our cashback pilot 🎉

OK - first cashback fail.

MrsW (registered and in the cashback trial) spent a chunk at Matalan online, while Matalan was selected as a cashback merchant (10% cashback) in her Monzo app.

But the merchant reported in the transaction was ‘Matalan Ecom’ (with no logo). So no cashback granted. Ouch.

If accurate merchant data is required for this - it is trading on very, very shaky ground.

Reported in-app & requested the applicable cashback to be granted. But we’ve no confidence of in-app response, if any, and the chance of it being sorted even less.


I’ve had one of these issues sorted fairly swiftly this week. Did you go via the link on the “cashback explained” help page as mentioned somewhere else in this thread? If so it should be directed to someone who can sort it out.

I had two transactions that came up as McColls because of incorrect merchant info so didn’t get the cashback for Morrisons (which it is now). After contacting via the cashback page the merchant data has been updated and the cashback applied.


Part of the point of the trial is to surface and fix anomalies like this.

I’m a little surprised you’re so pessimistic already, given there are earlier posted instances of merchant oddities being raised and fixed.

When you say you’ve reported in app, did you follow Ian’s instructions above?

If you did, I’m rather more optimistic that they’ll be able to look into the issue and resolve it.


I’m reporting from the other party, as in, not me. MrsW had no idea how to resolve it. I told her to get in touch via in-app chat. Can of :worm:'s opened.

This is the best feedback. I could go to the n’th degree on what to do - but it won’t help the service improve. So I’ll stand back and see how the evolution evolves on this one.

“pessimistic” - Me? Really? Quickly searches for half-full glass :tumbler_glass:


I sort of agree but it’s not really a fair test.

This is live to 150 people who use the community, so the advice posted should be used, rather than seeing how it plays out for a “normal” customer.


In my experience cashback is a nightmare. I use Airtime rewards and have put many claim in. I think what I’d like to see implemented in time for a rollout is a proper claim submit process that’s separate to merch data or chat (although I’d still love a smoother merch data fixing process which has been teased over the years as something monzo know needs an overhaul).

I also use Topcashback & Quidco, and I’d definitely say I’d take merch data over cookies and tracking. I’ve had many issues over the years and half the time they just simply decline without explanation even when you’ve filled the rule.

I also think data issues should be resolved as much as possible at the point of enrolling merchants with their offers. Surely a merchant knows how their own card data reports?

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Agreed. In-app chat treated the issue as a transaction dispute. It isn’t, it’s a merchant data dispute.

Next step - using the

flow. Thanks @BristolMatt :+1:


A flow has been set up to trap cashback errors. After going through the “Cashback explained” flow to get through to the cashback support, a CBCo-op replied almost immediately with a link to tap on. There’s a screen which allows you to submit the qualifying transaction which didn’t have cashback allocated to it. Monzo will then look into it:

And then following the involved transaction submission, I got an in-app notification:

If you tap on the notification, you get:

Good stuff :+1:


I got a link from cashback customer support, when I tapped on it it opened the “Select Transaction” screen, however that only showed my current account transactions, not my Flex transactions, where the problematic purchase was.
I mentioned this to the CS agent, who then said they’ll look into it. This was Wednesday, and still the cashback has not been credited, nor has it been confirmed that the merchant in question was corrected (so when I shop there again I will use Chase, as I can’t be sure Monzo cashback will be credited).

Sorry to see that when support moved from @iankent to regular Monzo support staff, it went down the drain. I mean, there’s a max of 150 of us using cashback right? How many problem merchant queries can they possibly be dealing with? Or were the early days more “cowboy style” repairs, and now there is a bureaucratic merchant amendment process that is taking ages?

Morning :wave:

We’re aware of the problem with Flex transactions in the ‘missing cashback’ workflow - what you see in your Flex screen are “instalment plans” and not transactions, so when we show the transaction picker screen they aren’t included :ohno: we’re looking into how we can fix this (without causing other problems :sweat_smile:)


No bureaucracy, but merchant data is complicated with so many edge cases and sometimes the fix for a specific merchant issue isn’t a simple one :sweat:

Please keep letting me know if you aren’t getting the support you need with cashback - we’re actively monitoring how well it’s working so examples of where it isn’t working are super helpful :pray:


To be honest, I half expect my local Barbican not to be approved, as I understand it must be very difficult for Monzo to verify my claim that it is a Spar (I can only go by the big sign at the front - an old Spar sign does show on Google Maps so maybe Monzo could verify it that way?).

It’s just communication that would benefit from improvement, maybe a reminder for the staff member in charge of a customer’s cashback request to message the customer after/every X days to say we are still looking into it would help.

I appreciate that this is a trial, and Monzo won’t get it quite right. I also appreciate the honesty and the willingness to learn, sounds good.

How does it work for other organisations? When I used to use cashback with Natwest, it just worked - i.e. If it told me I got money at Morrisons, I just did. Whether it was a Morrisons, Mcolls etc.

I guess what I’m saying, is, is the merchant data system too clever for it’s own good sometimes?

Looking forward to seeing how this develops


How do I get involved?

You have to wait until it rolls out


Did you read the first post of the thread?


Hi Cashback team. I submitted some manual cashback requests about transactions where I should’ve received cashback and didn’t. I received notifications saying they’d been approved and the cashback would be added to my por, but unfortunately this all occurred whilst my account was frozen (whilst awaiting a call from the scam prevention team). My account is now unfrozen but the cashback has not appeared in the pot - has it been lost, or is there something you can do to re-approve the deposits?

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Ask monzo

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I’ve had a terrible with Monzo support these past couple of days. I made a purchase on eBay, and they froze my account pending a call from the scam prevention team to check I meant to make the payment. All my accounts were frozen for 2 days and I couldn’t access any of my money. And I got no replies from support in the app - couldn’t get hold of anyone, and couldn’t even buy food because they froze my personal and joint accounts. Plus there are lots of reports further up in the thread about regular Monzo customer support not even being aware of the cashback trial.

So in summary I think it’s best to go directly to the team running the feature, I’m sure they’re able to look into it from their end


Hang on, Monzo don’t freeze accounts do they? Are you absolutely sure it’s Monzo you’re dealing with?

It was a small trial group, less than 1% of their base. So it’s not surprising that they don’t. There’s a specific cashback feedback that you can use for this. It could’ve been clearer where to go for support however.

Let us know how you get on :slight_smile:

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They do if you say someone has taken your money without permission. They assume your details have been compromised and freeze your account