Be able to view spending for a specific day (e.g., yesterday)

It’s great that the app says how much you have spent today, but when it comes to the next day it would be great to be able to easily see “What you spent yesterday” or for any specific day.

This could be something added as a search term, but then it would also be of great use to be able to save your favourite search terms to be easily able to come back to them.


Or how much you have left from a set budget before it resets. Eg I might have £400 desposible income that I can spend between now and a set date.

I imagine the two boxes at the top of the app could be customisable.

Well that sounds like a bigger/different and specific request.

Mine is to view spending within set time frames, pretty simple. And being able to easily get back to that as a saved query.

We already have something like that working :slight_smile:

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Ah of course the only thing I didn’t try was “yesterday”…

Is there a glossary of the terms you can use in the search?

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We don’t have a public search syntax, just what you see on the suggested search section, “last week”, “last month”, “this week”, “this month”, places, emoji, categories and > < amounts.

Once we revamp the search we will make a UI search that will expose all this power without expecting you to know the syntax :slight_smile: