Daily spending totals

It would be really beneficial to see spending totals for days that have passed. For example, beside “Tuesday, 22nd Jan” have a small “Total Spend £XX”.
I often check back to see what I’d spent on previous days but it requires quite a bit of mental maths at the moment. :money_with_wings:

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Would be useful! As a workaround if you’re on iOS you can use search to look at days by typing “22 Jan” for example and the total will show at the bottom of the screen. Not sure if same works on Android.


As you scroll down through your feed, the “SPENT” value below the graph at the top updates to show the total spent on the day currently being viewed. This is the case on Android anyway…

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Good point! The pulse graph does have its uses sometimes!


The search function has blown my mind! I had no idea it existed. Props to you Andy.
I also feel like a dafty for not noting the daily spend on the graph. You’ve made my life much easier :+1:


Also, just checked and yes this also works on Android :slight_smile: