Bank closures

Hi everyone I’m a 17 year old college student. Recently I had my bank accounts closed, Monzo and Lloyds, without knowing any reason why, I tried opening starting but I was told they could not offer me an account without a reason as well, I’ve tried others, it’s either I need to be 18, or something about my address because I’ve not lived here for up to three years, or they can’t offer me an account, I have had a data check on both cifas and national hunter both said there is no data held on me I’ve tried checking Experian and equitax and transunion but they said I have to be 18 and I don’t have any other way to check if there is a credit report on me, I have been paranoid and frustrated and scared because I don’t know what to do as I don’t have a bank account, I’m thinking of going to uni next year or a flight school which might require me travelling out, please I’m in desperate need of help what else do I do.

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There is a reason and if it’s multiple banks, it’s a big one.


But I have no idea what it is and I don’t know what to do

What did you lie about? Or what have you done? What have the banks told you?

Nobody here can give you the answers when you aren’t being honest.

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The last thing I did with the account was this job that involves people sending me money and then me sending it to people, the people I was working with said the banks were probably afraid that money laundering was happening and the have to take the necessary precautions or maybe they thing it’s fraud but when the banks told me if I got the money illegally they would take it off me and close the account but I was given the money and the account was closed so that could mean it wasn’t illegal, also I received a call like day before yesterday or so asking if I’ve paid off the debt I owe, there’s no way I can be in debt because o can’t borrow money as a 17 year old and I’m not authorised on anyone’s credit and I told them I’m don’t have any debt and they were like ok they will get back to me because the saw on my profile that I had a debt

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It sounds like you were used as a money mule. There are charities that can help you.


People sent you money to your personal account for you to send to others :thinking: that’s is money laundering.

Whoever you work for I advise you get out, please speak with some professionals as you will need help.


I already have gotten out but I don’t know who to speak to

Where can I get in touch with them please

Google it like I just did

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Give 101 a call and explain the whole situation from start to finish :slight_smile:

Remember there is no such thing as free money


Hoooooo boy. That’s fraud, and you have been a money mule.

You won’t be able to open any bank accounts for 6 years from the date a fraud marker was applied.

Look up your local credit unions in case they offer basic accounts that can receive payments in; or consider Pockit.


I’ll try that thank🥲

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Ok, I’ll try that thanks

I am not sure what ringing 101 will achieve other than some police constable maybe deciding to investigate OP? Though of course 99.9% likelihood they’ll tell OP to go away. Fraud is a matter for Action Fraud and they have a way to report it online.

But OP has actively enabled fraud by the looks of it so in the eyes of the law he will be part of the problem.

OP, not sure why nothing shows on Cifas but what you describe is totally a symptom of a Cat 6 (first party fraud) marker, the consequence of which is no banking for 6 years.

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Have a read through here too. Lots of good advice.

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I have had a data check in cifas twice and I’ve checked with national hunter as well but they said they don’t have any data on me

I see that as being advice for people who weren’t actively doing the crime to report it so that it can be stopped.

This has been stopped and I’m not sure what benefit OP would have from grassing themselves up

If the banks haven’t already