Aurora Borealis - As seen from Milton Keynes!

I completely missed it, didn’t think there was any chance being so far south. I blame the news for leading with “GPS will stop working” instead of “Everyone may see lights” :man_facepalming:


@AlanDoe I tried.

I believe this is a duplicate thread.

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Some great shots. Having gone to bed disappointed that I’d missed them, I spotted something out the window as I was closing the blinds. So camera out and lo and behold, northern lights!

They were very faint with the naked eye but the camera managed to capture them quite well.


Sorry, yes it needs merging

Same again tonight?

10:25pm-10:45pm was optimal brightness last night.

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Very much hoping so, I’m heading to the countryside now to find a dark spot and give it a go.

Trying to find a way to take a night mode photo with the screen off on my iPhone. It seems tricky. Man I miss my actual camera in moments like this!

Just taken from front door last night in rural NI.


Still a chance to catch it tonight and roughly around the same time of 11PM/12 so just be on the look out for it I missed it myself yesterday night too so you’re not alone.

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Yeah. I plan on forcing myself to stay up

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Likewise and I’ll be doing whilst having Eurovision on yes I’m fully open to being judged for this too haha.

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Taken by my dad in north east Fife. My first time seeing them last night, couldn’t believe how incredible it was.


I’m off for a walk along the seafront in Southsea more in hope than expectation for some sort of sign of them. Twitter had several folks around here seeing them last night, which only adds to my disappointment in seeing absolutely nought. The light pollution has improved massively here the last few years, but remains a challenge for such things

Pretty cloudy here tonight :sob:

Are they actually seeing them, or was it a case of them just showing up in long exposure photography?

Point your phone at the sky and see what happens?

They weren’t even visible up here to the naked eye really. The sky just had a slight purple hue. But it was cloudy. Very visible on camera though.

Some truly excellent light pollution at least


Tried in Swindon too much light pollution… If I wasn’t visiting my parents then I might have been able to get our into some higher ground in the countryside and see them :pensive:

I’m down south near London and it was fairly visible with the naked eye. Not like in the Nordics but got to see purple/greyish lights moving across the sky.

I can’t do it! I don’t know who people stay up. I tried! I’m so tired and it’s only 22:53


Looks to cloudy for me

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I did randomly wake up at 3:30 this morning. I did have a cursory look, but I didn’t see it