August 2021 Early payday

Yes 28 days

It probally just teaches better budgeting being paid weekly or lunar.

We can choose between weekly or monthly at our place. I tried weekly pay for a bit and it was a disaster for me :rofl:

I always had in my head “just buy it, you’ll get paid again in a few days anyway” and it then just concatenates throughout the rest of the month while you play catch up.

For me monthly works best. Get all my direct debits to come out on or around the 1st of each month. Salary comes in > bills go straight out > whatever is left is mine to spend how I wish.

No need to faff around doing calculations, budgets, saving bits of money from each payday or stressing you don’t have enough. All the important stuff is just all sorted in one fell swoop :raised_hands:


Network Rails pays every 4 weeks. So does the co-op.

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I’ve always been paid every 4 weeks until I joined my current company now it’s the last working day of the month. We get paid through Faster Payments though :dash: which means no Get Paid early :frowning:

Every 4 weeks was always amazing for me because you get the bonus month when you get paid twice but all of your bills have already been paid. Plus there’s no “long” months when you need to wait 34 days to get paid because where the last working day lands.

Until this happens of course: Asda staff hit by unexpected tax bill after payroll "quirk" | News | Retail Week


The 4 weekly pay really messes up universal credit as well apparently

I think I’d quite like 4 weekly now that I earn a bit more, I’m more organised and my bills pot has a bit of a buffer.

But when I was younger it would have caused me all sorts of problems.

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The state pension is paid 4-weekly.


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