Looking forward to iOS13 and hoping it gives us ideas about the phones to come! I am holding out for September and it is taking AGES.
The iTunes purge has begun!
I think the heavy hitters and most interesting things this year will be-
Project Marzipan and the effort to have one binary that runs on both iOS ans MacOS. They used it internally for news and home and will be cool to have it in developers hands.
Also some of the cool medical stuff rumoured for WatchOS 6. I genuinely think Apple Watch has made me think about my heart health in a new way. I don’t have problems but it is leading me to think about it more which is only a good thing.
One thing I wish for every year is the decoupling if system app updates from major OS versions. It would be cool if they could update apps like Phone and Mail through the App Store at a more regular cadence.
For anyone wanting to watch live, it kicks off at 6PM UK time:
The verge also do great live commentary but they haven’t posted a link yet.
Really hoping they will preview the new Mac Pro. It’s a really niche computer for Mac users, however it represents the best computer they make and allows serious creatives and developers to make great things for the Mac ecosystem. Without it, they will lose many people to windows.
Is there any expected update to the Apple Watch?
Been really tempted to purchase one but been putting it off with the Keynote approaching.
I don’t think we will see a new model/ version - however I think we will see some improvements to the Watch OS - WWDC is in the main a software showcase - although they have in previous years released some hardware.
As soon as that beta drops for iOS13 I’m gonna be allll over it
Can’t wait for ios 13 beta.
They do a Hardware refresh every September. But with the Series 4 we have reached an almost perfect hardware design not sure whet else they can add.
WWDC is meant for Software and developer platforms although the occasional piece of hardware sneaks in. Every year we see a refresh to WatchOS so I wouldn’t expect this year to be any different.
PS as a Series 4 owner go for it its wonderful
I’ll wait until they release the 2nd or 3rd public beta before jumping onboard. Depends how buggy it is.
Is anyone thinking about downloading the beta on the 6s? It’s always a gamble when the device gets Older.
I’m fairly confident the 6s will get some love this year, but this will be the last iOS it will get.
Excellent! I’ll take a look!
Rumour has it they will. They have publicly stated the new Mac Pro will be modular. IMO they really have to take NVIDIA high end GPU support seriously if they want to succeed in the pro market.
WWDC is software only - they’ll show off the next versions of iOS, WatchOS and tvOS, which registered developers will be able to download once the show is over (and a public beta within a week or two). It doesn’t give everything away as some features will rely on whatever new hardware comes out at the September event, but the main changes will be highlighted.
Always a fun watch if you’re interested in the Apple ecosystem!
It’s Software/Developer tooling only but they occasionally do the “One More Thing” and stealth preview some future hardware. Rumour has it this time the Mac Pro
They can add plenty to WatchOS and/or the device, trust me.
Always On display - no need to make exaggerated wrist movements or tap the face to see the time. Had this on my Samsung Gear and it showed a slightly different face and just the time. They don’t need to copy that but some way of showing the time constantly would be good.
More complications on more faces - some stupid omissions here with some native and 3rd party complications not available on more watch faces.
I have a 6S kicking about if it can take it I will do it and report back
I literally move my arm to look at mine and it comes on. Nothing exaggerated and nothing that I wouldn’t have to do to see it even if it was always on.
It doesn’t happen consistently for me and others, it’s a common complaint (but then that’s what forums are for!).
When it doesn’t happen, it’s frustrating - first world problem but not the frictionless experience it should be and easily resolved.