Apple Watch App

In general I’d want to track my targets by month (payday to payday) & obviously that’s is how the feature’s designed in the iPhone app. Scrolling through screens to see each category’s monthly remaining balance looks good to me.

But since I’d be checking my Watch much more often, a complication displaying my remaining balance for my daily spend target (the target figure that was requested here) would be more useful than a complication showing how much I have left to spend for the month overall. I’d also like to have a complication displaying my account’s current balance.

Building on @saveen’s suggestion for tomorrow’s upcoming payments, it would be neat if you could use the Time Travel feature to see all upcoming payments for the month, as you travel forward each day, with an amount due for each day & month to date total. i.e. 2nd £10 due, £10 MTD total & then 3rd £5 due, £15 MTD total.

If you could display the outstanding balance of the target for the default category of the merchant who’s located wherever the Watch wearer currently is, when the app is opened, that would be great.