Although the general consensus seems to be that Apple is to blame for forcing Monzo’s arm with an NDA (because Monzo staff are really friendly people so would tell us everything if they could), is it not possible that Monzo is playing hardball with regards to the fee Apple charges banks for using Apple Pay? We know they are having problems with the cost of each user - just look at the ‘emergency only’ advice around top-ups - and implementing Apple Pay would only ramp these up even more. Especially as many have made it very clear it’s a key feature they would use a lot.
Just another bit of baseless speculation to add into the mix!
I think it always will be - something that is vitally important to somebody and their financial life will collapse without it and will refuse to use the service until its implemented and why isn’t it implemented now sort of conversation will always crop up
Unfortunately I think Monzo is partially to blame for this somewhat, in the lack of updates for various reasons has left a vacuum for users to air their needs and wants and demands - not saying that thats a bad thing , but does seem to easily get into a heated “debate” because Monzo aren’t shipping updates at the speed they did with the prepaid.
Hopefully the new monthly updates will convince users to the progress being made
I understand the arguments presented and i am somewhat sympathetic towards them. It’s been said in this thread before; I want you to be right, I really do.
I’m just voicing my opinion on the situation as a Monzo user and a customer. While I find the speculation interesting, it offers me no assurance and doesn’t address the concerns and problems around the situation that I raised.
I’m sure they wouldn’t be happy to - just maybe trying to balance upsetting people while negotiating with keeping their costs at a manageable level. Whatever the issue is, I think the problem is we’re all used to getting things on Prime delivery and some have become a bit inpatient with how long this has been going on for. Although progress seems to have stagnated hopefully it will improve now the current account is up and running and we can stop debating/speculating on the things that would make us want to use Monzo more and start talking about the things that are making it so great to use, instead
I mean, I’m just as keen for it to be implemented as everyone else but I seem to follow a thread and it always turns into an Apple Pay discussion (especially the threads linked to blog posts).
I think that’s because there’s a lot of people hoping a certain something will be mentioned in the blog posts
I’m all for having a sensible discussion and allowing a place for people to voice their opinion about how great Monzo is, but I think there could do with a bit more constructive criticism where criticism is due, along with less community members addressing their concerns and issues where it should be Monzo staff doing so.
I agree with you and everyone else on this thread in terms of being frustrated that it isn’t available, I’ve mentioned previously that it’s an annoyance for me as a customer.
Having said that, I’m aware that Monzo staff are unwilling to comment on timescales or anything else for one reason or another. I honestly believe that if they could comment on it’s progress they would. I just don’t feel us going around and around in circles on this forum is going to speed things up and that’s my main point around every thread being hijacked. There’s no value being added.
This reads like its not coming anytime soon. Saying you hope to be able to offer it, however strong that hope is, is far from convincing. Can we have a response at least saying that it is definitely coming even if you can’t say when??
I’ve just found this forum and I must say I absolutely love it, and your product but as an iOS user i feel a little let down by the lack of Apple Pay and it’s stopping me from moving to be a monzo user for 100% of my banking needs… I find it a little weird that nobody has suggested this so far but can you guys start working on it ASAP.
Don’t expect to see much commentary from Monzo themselves on the Apple Pay topic, other than the occasional ‘we’re looking into it’ - for example, it isn’t shown on the 2018 roadmap released earlier this week.
It’s nothing sinister, other than the fact that when you start discussing this with Apple, they enforce a strict MNDA forbiddng anyone from even mentioning that they’re in discussion (I can independently verify this practice!).
In the case of Apple Pay, it will simply appear one day without much pre-warning. I can assure you Monzo are very much aware how popular this feature would be.