Apple One

Outlanders (iPad) on Apple Arcade is great and the Rayman game (iPhone) is solid and so is skate city (iPhone). Not played loads of others (although got ocean horn 2 on my radar).

Do you have any suggestions?

Don’t all Apple Arcade games work on all Apple devices.

A few good ones I’ve enjoyed, though nothing too addicting:

  • Lego Brawls
  • Charrua Soccer
  • Red Reign
  • Outlanders

And a full list of the ones I liked enough to keep installed:

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Mini Motorways is good, although it is not as good as the original Mini Metro.


I remember being obsessed with that! Learned about it from some BBC tech show years and years ago when it was just a PC game!

Edit: show was BBC Click!

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Yes, just referring based on controls/ layout the optimum device for each game in my opinion. Rayman with a controller on Apple TV may be good. Outlander would be small on iPhone and not sure on ease of play on Apple TV as not done it but can’t see how it would be better than touch controls. Tried skate city with my controller on my phone and wasn’t great although at that point was tuned into the touch controls (which I think are designed really well!)

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I signed up for Apple One on day one. I already was paying for Apple Music and iCloud storage, so it seemed like a good deal.

I’ve just received an email from Apple giving me £4.99 per month credit from November to January as a thank you for subscribing to TV+ So I’m effectively getting Apple One for the price of Apple Music. :+1::+1:

I’m tempted to try Arcade just for this. I love Mini Metro.


Manifold Garden looks really good as well.

Appreciate it’s all subjective but I’ve found a lot of stuff I like on arcade.

Circled are ones I’ve played/am playing and liking. Yet to try the others but excited to get to them.


I said before but outlanders is great. Skate city also good. Rayman mini also solid. Assemble is fun although short. Hoping more added.
I’ll try the circled ones I haven’t.


It’s the same idea just with a different take/twist. I personally prefer mini metro, but like and enjoy both. If you like mini metro, you’ll like mini motorways

Tale of crows was good for a few days, but I quickly got bored of it. Too repetitive and shallow for me, and I didn’t get to keep the dragon as a pet. Could be great with more depth and less repetition.

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I don’t think it’s as good as Mini Metro personally, but definitely worth a go if you like it’s predecessor. I’d buy it outright but it doesn’t justify an Arcade subscription on its own.

Ultimately with Arcade I don’t play games enough on my phone or iPad to justify an ongoing monthly fee. But it’s a great concept, if they can keep getting new games added.


I really didn’t like Sayonara Wild Hearts. What The Golf and Sneaky Sasquatch are great though


This is my issue with it too. Arcade has a good number of great games, but I’m just not a mobile gamer. The only game I play with any consistency is Pokemon go and that’s only to pass time when I’m travelling.

Sadly you can’t buy the games that are on Arcade either. They are exclusive. Well that’s certainly the case for Mini Moto anyway.

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I wouldn’t pay for Arcade alone. But £5 per month for Arcade, TV+ and 200Gb iCloud storage is fantastic value when I’ve been paying £15 for Spotify Family


Is that refund for the remaining free period you had of ATV+?

No. It was totally unexpected. I only had Apple Music before Apple One.

We were paying for Arcade separately, at the start of lockdown we couldn’t lay hands on a Switch for love nor money, so we got Arcade for the kids. They’ve played those games a lot, and now would hate if we took them away. So that add a family music plan, iCloud storage made One a no brainier

That’s strange then. Good for you though