App foldable compatibility

Recently just got the Google 9 Pro Fold. Could the Monzo app be improved to support the wider screen to show the stats better? Amongst other things, I think it could be quite useful!

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TLDR: Nice idea, but it’s a niche idea for such a small amount of customers.

Right, let’s do some maths

((Number of UK P9ProFold buyers/5*)/10,000,000)x100 = the percentage of Monzo customers to which this is an issue to

And realistically, are all of those customers going to want this feature.

It’s a nice idea, but when you compare the amount of customers that want this feature when compared to the amount of other stuff that Monzo has on its to-do list, this is pretty low down the list.

*This is an average number assuming that 10 million out of the ~50 million adults in the UK use Monzo. But then also not all of these people are actively using Monzo. And there’s a whole other range of factors.

And yes, there are Galaxy Z Fold customers. But realistically this is once again just not really something that Monzo is going to immediately focus on.

Having said this, if development for a Monzo app for tablet/iPad is in the works, THEN this will come to your folding phone.

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Hi @helliott & welcome :wave:

Yes, this would be great. The increasing display sizes available due to innovative foldable formats beg for apps such as Monzo to be adaptive and responsive. But there are tons of considerations to think of - not least the sheer number of iPads and :android: tablets/Chromebooks out there already which need to be developed for this. Add the newer (bi-)folds and (tri-)folds and devs have a tough time with it all.

One can only hope. While I’m an Android (stock/Pixel) fanboy manboy, it’ll take an Apple hardware foldable to boot this wish into reality.

Congrats on the 9PF though - that’s one helluva device!

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I’m no developer but obviously if the app was made better on tablets it could potentially work on foldables too. I’ve never tried Monzo on a tablet but it was only a suggestion. I can imagine there are much more important things on the list.

Thanks @davidwalton loving it so far with what I do with it! Google Sheets are awesome :sunglasses: