Anything new 😂

Feels like forever since Monzo released something new that’s not a category picker - what’s going on Monzo? I’ve been hearing about round ups and new monzo plus for months now.

What appealed to me with Monzo was how fast and rapid they were moving but I seem to be getting more feature updates from the bigger banks at the moment :sob:

Give us something to play with pretty please


Could of just posted to any number of posts all going on about the same thing, don’t need another one an all :see_no_evil::crazy_face::joy:


Plus is said to be this month.

Round ups already exist

I think it’s basically been all hands on deck for plus for the past few months. Maybe we’ll see a faster feature rollout again once that has launched.

I’m talking the additional 2x 3x roundups. There product updates blog hasn’t been updated since December. Not complaining just trying to figure out when we should expect new stuff. Plus has been incoming for months :joy:

Hope so - I wondered if there focus has been on the USA rollout as well

Yes but Tom has said in several articles Q1.

Round up looks like they will be part of plus so also Q1

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