How do you get rid of the damn things. Had one for nearly a year now, can’t feel it at all, just smaller than a 1p coin.
Tried creams and general ointments, scratching with a pumice stone etc
How do you get rid of the damn things. Had one for nearly a year now, can’t feel it at all, just smaller than a 1p coin.
Tried creams and general ointments, scratching with a pumice stone etc
My daughter had a small one. On month of covering it with clear nail polish suffocated it and it fell off.
A trip to Boots. Plenty of options. (If you can’t feel it, it may not be a verruca).
Dr G Butler (retired)
What does your GP recommend?
He said go and ask on the monzo forums
Doctor once told me to cover one with duct tape until it falls off (the verucca… not the tape).
Best liquid though was Duo film… if you can find it
Genuine recommendation: Salicylic acid
Reckon you’ve latched on to a rich vein of advice, anyway. Be wary, though, of anyone who’s advised you on verrucas AND broadband installations…
Any pharmacy will help you.
2 good options - tape & acid as mentioned above.
Sounds like a 70s house party
I was there - it was great