Android vs iOS - screenshot comparison

I can’t give anyone access to Monzo and making screenshots of different values/transactions makes them a bit less comparable. I’ll ask around, I should be able to get ahold of another device for a day. :wink:

I’m not sure browser, but I have Resurrection Remix ROM so I might have some weird defaults.

I just noticed something interesting. I have the Monzo prepaid app installed both on my iPhone and Android but I only installed the current banking app on my Android.

Just transferred some money over to my CA and I got a notification almost instantly on both phones. So even my iPhone notified my about the transfer (+100) where I only have my prepaid app and that should not know about the CA :slight_smile:

(Clicking on the notification opened the prepaid app and there obviously I couldn’t see the transaction)

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It’s a known thing, notifications are leaking a bit between prepaid and CA. It will either be fixed, or Monzo won’t bother, as eventually prepaid will be phased out and the problem won’t exist. :wink:


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