Don’t know if anyone else had this issue on Android. But when I added money to my Joint Pot, the screen goes to the Profile page, with my picture top quarter and the rest of the screen blank. And I couldn’t get back to my accounts unless I closed down the app. I’m also using the new UI.
Issue: Overview screen shows nothing but header after adding money to pot.
This issue applies to the new navigation - it does not happen when using the old view.
Once you encounter this bug, the only way to resolve it is to restart the app.
Details to reproduce:
- Select a pot (tested with standard pot - unsure if the same issue occurs with savings pots)
- Tap add
- Enter any amount and tap Add to Pot
You will now see a screen with nothing but the header of the overview screen (profile picture, name, monzo plus user icon and settings button)
OS: Android Pie (OxygenOS 9.0.6)
Device: OnePlus 6 (A6003)
App Version: 2.56.0
Should be fixed in 2.57
Not sure if its helpful, but this issue didn’t happen in the previous version.
Another (slightly different) issue is that when using the new view, any transactions that happened since you opened the app won’t show - you have to restart the app to see them.
Not sure if I should post this as a separate issue or not - I don’t wanna seem like I’m spamming the forum!