An Idea for 3D Secure Implementation!

I know 3D Secure is something Monzo is working on and I just had an idea for its implementation and wanted to share it. Instead of doing something like instant notifications why don’t Monzo add a 3D secure code/pin generation facility in App so that it’s also available even when the app is offline like the code generator of Facebook or Steam Guard. Is that do-able?


It’s a good plan although I’ve got used to 3D secure being transparent to me so not needing any interaction from me.

However if Monzo go down the code generation route I’d like this option but I’d like the option to use an Authenticator app as I use Microsoft Authenticator and I’d like all my codes in one app

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We’d definitely love to do something like this.

The issue right now is that SecureCode 1.0.2 is pretty inflexible. SecureCode 2.0 is something presently being worked on by Mastercard and will pretty much be way better in terms of how it can be implemented.