Amazon repeating payment declined

I have a few items I buy from Amazon’s subscribe and save — some are each month, some every 6 weeks — basic items like cat litter — Monzo keep declining the payment because I’ve recently make a similar payment to Amazon. Can Monzo tweet this? As I have to go and approve the payment through Amazon each time now.

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Yes!!! I get this same problem every month and it’s driving me mad! I have to approve the same rejected transaction over and over again, before Monzo will finally allow it to go through (and usually for multiple items, so this is a time consuming and frustrating process). Really messes with the whole point of having a convinient subscription service.

Please fix this Monzo! :pray:

It’s not just Monzo. I get it every couple of days with TSB.

I don’t have this problem with starling

I don’t have this problem with monzo but have had it with chase :man_shrugging:

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