Add date of last use to manage apps screen (open banking connections)

The manage apps screen lists 3rd party services authorised to connect to your Monzo account via open banking.

For some services I have two connections/authorisations listed (e.g. Emma and Truelayer are both listed twice). I’m not quite sure why this is the case but I assume one is active and one is obsolete. I’d like to delete the obsolete authorisation but there is no way to tell which is which.

It would be good if this screen included information on when each connection/authorisation was last used to connect to my account. I could then easily see which one is currently active and revoke the other.

In case anyone is unaware, manage apps is found via settings > privacy and security > manage apps

Great suggestion. Would definitely be helpful.

And I imagine I’ll be steadily connecting a few more services as time goes on so would really help keep things neat.