Add Chase UK and Virgin Money Credit Cards

Hi @_lewis just adding another thumbs up for an update, just got a Virgin CC and was disappointed to see it isn’t on the list currently, but reading the thread I’m hopeful it’s coming soon!


Hi Lewis! When this comes, will it include full history, or just recent and future transactions?

I’ve only just signed up to a Virgin Atlantic Credit Card, and the app is f****** awful. It’s slow, buggy, transactions sometimes fail to load, so the Monzo integration can’t come soon enough!


I’d guess that if transactions fail to load in the Virgin app, they’d be unlikely to load in the Monzo app.

Yeah although other parts of the app are failing as well so I guess it depends at what point the failure is occurring, to me it looks like an app issue as other pages fail to load as well.

Agree on all of this… the app is awful. The whole system is quite poor though… this month my DD only went out for minimum repayment… it had been setup for full balance repayment for the last few months so this was a system error (which they didn’t spot or attempt to rectify). Had to make a bank transfer. If I hadn’t noticed then they’d have started charging me interest. Also the app doesn’t tell you what repayments you’ve made when you go to make new ones.

Vanquis please :+1:t3:

Virgin credit cards seem to be nearly the only credit card you can’t add to connected accounts! Is this being updated soon ?

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Hope this gets fully fixed soon!

Any update here? As soon as this available, I’m all in on a Premium Account.

Can Monzo confirm that they are still trying to connect the Virgin credit cards now that they are being purchased by Nationwide? I don’t imagine the merger will impact users for ages but it might put Monzo off trying


Hi @_lewis - any news?


Upgraded to Monzo Extra today. Mostly happy with what I see - except for the lack of support for Virgin Money credit cards (obviously wish I’d seen this thread first!)

It’s slightly disappointing - didn’t realise before upgrading that Virgin Money support currently seems to be just for current accounts.

Seeing that this issue seems to have dragged on for ages now, I think I might downgrade before the renewal and wait until it’s fixed to have another go.



You can cancel without charge as you’re within 14 days.

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Thanks, yeah I might do that. Shame really as I think it would otherwise be just about worth the £3 fee.

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Another bump here @_lewis for any updates

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Hey everyone :wave:

Sorry for the delay in giving an update. We’ve been working on the transaction parser to get ready for a labs launch, sadly we’ve hit an issue with some transactions not being uniquely identifiable.

Most Open Banking transactions have a unique transactionID, credit cards tend not to have this but usually do have an unique transactionReference / transactionInformation.

In order to provide a good connected accounts experience we need to be able to uniquely identifiable all transactions, it’s a expectation of our systems.

This isn’t the first provider we’ve integrated with that’s required more thought on how to uniquely identify transactions, but it has slowed us down. We think we have a good solution for working around this, which hopefully we’ll be able to test soon.

I know how long some of you have been waiting for this and we have every intention of shipping this once we’re happy with it. I hope that provides some context, I’m happy to answer any questions if you have them :slightly_smiling_face:



Hi @_lewis, we would really appreciate a rough timeline of when we might expect things to be launched?


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Hi Will :wave: It should be around 1 years worth of transaction history for credit cards, this is what Virgin developer portal says:

In line with existing web channels, transaction APIs will return up to 13 months of data for Credit Cards and Current accounts and up to 5000 (TBC) transactions for Savings accounts