£50 Bike Repair voucher - only 50,000 - starts tonight (28/07)

I’ve not seen any mention of this here yet - so sharing for anyone who isn’t aware.

From tonight (23:45) the government is release 50,000 £50 vouchers to go towards repair of a bicycle.

Expected to go fast.

Link here:



Website seems to have crashed and burned already!

Really stupid way of doing this, imo.


Seems to be having the hug of death! No doubt by morning all will have gone.

just great trying to apply its fully down looks like no one will be getting it

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Really, with 2.5 million, they’d have been better off starting a scheme to register and certify mechanics, then they’d have something ready-made for promotions and subsidies into the future.

This is just a tiny flash in the pan against the backdrop of everything else…

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Weird that it’s on the est.org.uk domain?

Still broken

It would not help that it was included in Martin Lewis’ MSE weekly newsletter that would have previewed yesterday.

Expect more delays today.

Doesn’t effect me as I don’t own a bike :rofl:

I managed to log in and download the vouchers this morning but took a couple of attempts.

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It was working when I woke up at 6am and had a little look before going back to sleep. Seems there’s a list of approved vendors and you have to check there’s one near you before applying for your voucher.

Awesome scheme for England. Enjoy my tax money you lot!


go raibh maith agat, mòran taing

Chan eil mi searbh, onarach!

Anyway, yer welcome!! :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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