I meant that Summary includes in Spending rather than in Pots
I have it running in reverse and non reverse.
It is mainly an experiment to see if they both work for the full year.
So far so good.
You could always start in reverse as that would mean your lowest amounts are taken in December if that’s less daunting (but obviously the highest amounts would be taken January time.)
You could just set that up via the app, which would look nicer in the app.
But you can’t vary the amount?
If you’re running both the forwards and backwards it’s the same amount every day, just with two separate deposits.
It’s not obvious, but my reply was directed to @simonf
I see
Good thinking batman
It was when I was experimenting with ifttt and now they are set up and working I’m just seeing if they run the full year with no issues.
Have a few set up for weather / location also.
I guess there’s no way for Monzo to know how much IFTTT is going to transfer as it does it on the fly (for example, I’d set up an applet that transfers money equal to the temperature into a pot every time it rains in Gateshead!)
Divide by pay packets so number of weekly monthly or 4 weekly in the year
I’ve popped this version up on Google. Weekly and Monthly totals (and in reverse too if that’s your bag)
Once the 1P challenge is set up how long before the first payment (1P) is deposited?
Hi Rebecca. Are you talking about the 1p savings challenge? Have you set this up using IFTTT? Mine comes out at 8am each morning. I think (although could be wrong) that if you turn it on now, you’ll be joining mid-way through the challenge and so your first deposit would be £1.08 tomorrow morning.
I believe it’ll happen around 8am the next day
That’s around the time that my £1 IFTTT savings challenge transfers money into a pot
Yes the 1p savings challenge. Yes I set up today but nothing has come out yet? Ah I thought it started from the beginning. Will need to wait and see.
If you want to catch up then you’ll need to transfer £57.78 into the pot manually today, which will bring you up to speed with everyone who’s been doing it since 1st January.
It’s been great, nearly £60 saved and I’ve barely noticed it!
Please how can I start?
I’m interested but yet to be intimated on how to commence.
You need to download the IFTTT app and authorise them to interact with your Monzo account first. Have you done that?
How do I check my balance?