So, I just got to the top of the waiting list and signed up to give it a try.
Obviously, a beta product at the moment so it’s definitely ‘bare bones’ of an account.
The sign up process was pretty smooth (after you get to the top of the waiting list and get a referral code). Scan your passport or driving licence, quick head-shot video and then about a 90 second wait while it verified everything.
You can choose between 3 different cards - Sea, Land or Sky (you can see the designs on their website and I choose Sea cos it’s blue (although that could mean that it’ll get confused slightly with Chase - maybe I should’ve gone with the green Land card).
Compared to other fintech banks - paying money in was a little slow - but you’re talking about maybe a 1 minute or so, compared to paying money into Starling or Chase where I get the notification from them saying money has been received before I get the confirmation from Monzo that they’ve sent the money.
Sending money - I got a ‘unable to check details’ error when I tried to send money back. After getting that twice, you get a ‘are you sure this isn’t a scam?’ error and then it moves on to confirming the transfer where it claims it did check and confirm all the details. After that, sending the actual money over was quicker than recieving (less than 20 seconds to get notification from Chase it had received it).
There’s no ‘address book’ of previous payments at the moment. So, it doesn’t remember who you’ve paid to make it easier to pay them again. Also, I didn’t notice any option when making the payment to set it up as a Standing Order.
They’ve got a ‘Top up Account’ option to pay money into the account, but at the moment it just shows you your sort code and account number. I suspect the plan will be eventually to get that linked to open banking so you can pay by app. They do already have an open banking integration where you can link to your other bank accounts for them to produce your ‘GreenScore’. I’ve linked my Monzo and Chase accounts although the GreenScore hasn’t kicked in yet so it may still be under development and not live yet (or it may just take a while to work this out and it’ll show up later).
Full card details are available in the app, but at the moment no Apple Pay (and presumably no Google Pay either). Card controls allow you to freeze your card, but that’s it - no option to disable only certain payments like contactless, card swipe, chip and pin etc or gambling controls.
Customers get ‘Community Shares’ - you can get more through a referral link which will be available to customers once they launch. The community shares will be worth something if Zero does an IPO. Slightly conflicting agenda maybe between wanting to develop a ‘Sustainable’ banking product focusing on fighting Climate Change etc. but then also having a specific target to get to an IPO where whatever sustainability plans they have will be subject to the whims of whatever Saudi-Arabian investor decides.
It’ll be interesting to see how fast they develop this - things I would expect to be on the plan before ‘full’ launch would be:
- Top up Account option being connected to ‘in app’ payments of other banks.
- Making Payments - being able to setup a standing order and have previous payments remembered in app to make it easier to make repeated one. I’m assuming Direct Debits are also not available yet - DD’s being available is not a ‘must have’ for launch (Chase launched without them for example!) but it would be good to have.
If the main plan is that this is a ‘glorified’ spending card then number (1) definitely needs to be sorted - and also Apple/Google Pay needs adding. If they do intend this to be a full standard bank account then (2) needs sorting as well.
There’s no spending breakdown as far as I can spot (maybe that show up once I’ve spent something) and also I don’t know what merchant data is shown. I need to wait for the card to arrive and I’ll report back then.
Definitely no option for any ‘mini/side accounts’ (ie - savings accounts or pots/spaces) or round-up/‘save the change’.