Your Monzo :hot_coral_heart:

This is fun, I suppose, but I’d rather have savings pots…

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Completed it, mate :tada:



Ditto. I kind of wanted some kind of balloon animation in the app. Party poppers or something


Yeah, like the full screen effects in iMessage. Would have been funky. Unfortunately, no dice :slightly_frowning_face:

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Or an overall achievement for unlocking everything.

King of Monzo :crown:
You’re utilising everything Monzo has to offer to manage your finances efficiently.


Nice to have seen this in my profile today. I could think of a couple of other features to add to the list, such as:

:heavy_check_mark: Share your location with us
:heavy_check_mark: Paid someone with bluetooth
:heavy_check_mark: Signed up for Monzo Labs
:heavy_check_mark: Add a credit card


Needs some hot coral confetti when you complete them all. :frowning: The ‘earnt’ in-app and the ‘earned’ in the notifications still annoys me, too :smiley:

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How about:

:heavy_check_mark: Left a review on Play/App Store
:heavy_check_mark: Left a review on TrustPilot

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I’ve got everything ticked expect the “Request money from a friend” achievement.

Which is a bit weird as I’ve had people pay me through my link numerous times :thinking:


I set one up as a test. Closed it. Left it. Back when they were released. Got a tick :white_check_mark:

I have everything apart from start account switch. I did a manual one in the last but might just set up another account elsewhere just to use this feature and get that last tick :white_check_mark: :joy:

I created the savings pot goal and met it. A few days later still no tick.

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