X (Formerly Twitter) Discussion

Am I right in thinking that’s because rc = release candidate = beta software?

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I’m not so concerned about release candidates because they very often become an official release with no (or very minor) changes.

I might be massively misunderstanding but… What if I invest lots of time and effort into one server, the content I like to see and integrating in the community. Then they get a moderator that goes on a power trip and ruins it all so I have to find a new server and start over?


In theory rc is ‘what we want to release but we need more testing to make sure there’s no bugs’ and beta is ‘this is buggy but mostly works’.

The likes of Google have somewhat ruined that by redefining beta to mean ‘release’, and Tesla redefining beta to mean ‘We don’t want the legal liability if this goes tits up’.

I see there’s an rc2 now but it’s only got one commit… that’s pretty good, all things considered… might even update my instance if I get half an hour.

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You can move your account including all its history, so you won’t lose anything, it’ll even notify all your followers.


This is such a mess. Such a pointless mess.

Introducing a new feature so we can tell which Verified accounts are actually verified. Except, looks like they care a lot more about verifying corporations that people. Impersonation will be an issue again still.

As a sign of the times, Stephen Fry has deleted his Twitter account

Which made me look him up on Mastodon and realise there’s no way to tell if I am following Stephen Fry, or Stephen Fry who will DM me asking to invest in his crypto and promising instant double returns


As far as I can tell, Stephen just needs to add one line of code to his website and he will verify himself on Mastodon.


And then the 4 people that see his profile will know he’s real?

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Getting people to find him on Mastodon is a different issue to proving he is Stephen Fry. But he’s very famous, I’m sure he’ll find a way.


I swear he came off Twitter ages ago :laughing:

It’s not the first time.

Some celebs have left their Twitter account up with a link to their Mastodon profile as verification (I think Neil Gaiman did that). And as @j06 says you can verify from your own website.

25,000 people have followed Stephen Fry so far on Mastodon so he’s easy enough to find.

If a server says “Too many requests” on sign up does that mean it’s full/closed?

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So they seem to have added all the “official” markers to the brands.

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That means more people are trying to sign up than it can handle at any one time. It’s like what happens to websites when Martin Lewis mentions them on his show. Or when something goes big on Reddit.

Try again later is the solution to this. Until the server owner increases the resources necessary to handle larger numbers of sign up requests at any given time, implements a queue system, or quietens down.


The “double layer” verification just looks so messy.

I bet the product guys hate it even more than I do.


I did and got it set up. It’s just really slow. I’ve tried posting an image and it just presents an error, times out or the image turns to this:

I’m trying to see this as a good form of social media but it really is not set up for mass use right now.


Depends how big the influx is. Almost everything faces a growing pain like this at some point, whether it’s centralised or not, a corporation, or a not for profit. It’s just not seen viable to prepare for these sorts of things, and accept degraded performance under the knowledge things will balance out, and you can slowly scale to meet demand if you need to. Ideally server owners will do a better job of this than Activision Blizzard, or Chase, but I reckon it might be a little hit and miss.

It’s the whole buy less than you need and scale to meet your needs when the moment arises so as not to waste money. It’s why new online video games are awful for the first week or so, unless you’re Nintendo.


Replying to myself…


Dawn is an MP so has the blue tick and the official tag. Pippa is a journalist so only has the blue tick.

When it’s one to the other, it’s easy to see there’s the extra there. But that blue tick is so ubiquitous now, people will see that in the future when it’s just for people who pay, and think it actually means something.