People who’ve gone #FullMonzo explain why they’ve taken the plunge
Using monzo does not build up your credit though, am I right? That’s a deal breaker for sure.
I want to, I really do but you have to match the offering of nationwide and the insurance bundle they offer and the cashback rewards scheme that NatWest offer…
So the ball is very much in your court, you need to make me need to move.
I assume this is seriously ‘tongue in cheek’?
I don’t imagine anything like that is going to be affordably achievable in a sensible time frame.
Yeah I guess it is, simply because I know it is someway down the line, but having said that it is also genuine, the insurance bundle that Nationwide is spectacular and it does have real value for me, I’d need something in the same ball park from monzo before I ditch my nationwide account.
I love these discussions because people are so different. I place no value on the Nationwide bundle whatsoever!
Monzo acts like, an okay credit card for people with low credit scores - being able to pay for items abroad or withdrawing some cash.
Not building up a credit score whilst using the service is a serious no no.
I will go Full Monzo when Monzo deposit £10K in my account, and no sooner…
Yeah, we all have needs I guess,is it of no value to you because you don’t travel or you don’t have a car or you don’t insure your phone or all 3?
I find that I use the travel insurance twice a year, I’ve only ever claimed 1 time on my mobile phone cover but now my kids have phines, so I’m guessing that may increase…the breakdown cover I’ve never used but it’s great to know it’s there.
I hear ya on the nationwide acc being great. Breakdown cover on comprehensive insurance is usually included? Home insurance covers phones also no? Travel cover is good & saves around £42 pp each trip which in itself is great.
And this is the issue Monzo (and any other bank) will have with packaged accounts. Working out how popular they will be with their customers.
They’ll need a family package and a single person package.
Don’t forget couples! And throuples!
I actually just done my car insurance today and I’m pretty sure I opted to not have the breakdown cover cos it was gonna be an extra £66 (I’d have to check but I’m sure it was) it’s with fluxdirect so please feel free to correct me…
On the home insurance covering phone, the last thing I want is to disrupt my no claims discount due to my kids leaving their phone on the bus or whatever…
It appears to me that anytime there is a chat about going full monzo, it seem to be nationwide that is 1 if the main blockers for people, maybe that’s not a bad insurance bundle to base the monzo offerings on.
People want interest on current acc balances up to … an agreed amount. That’s a definite. Building a credit score is also a definite.
Whatever the future holds, Monzo have a good chance to be the future. (and that involves the likely correction in the market during this tech bubble to get through first).
I beilive it depends if you use the overdraft function as that’s a method of credit
Possibly. I don’t know whether or not it’s a loss leader for Nationwide, though.
That’s sort of my feeling. Even if not, until Monzo are the size of Nationwide why would anyone give them identical pricing?