Why Monzo Cards Aren't Working Today

Looks like others have noticed the problem too. No sign of a fix on my phone.

Yep, nice of Business Insider to create a backup of Monzoā€™s status page :wink:

Hi surely everyone must be aware that this is the beginning and so there as to be an understanding of current condition I was made aware by the monzo team of the possibility of failure so letā€™s all persevere
Am now looking forward on my European escaped so to give it more travelling tests as Iā€™ll be crossing by car at least 5 to 6 countries.
Keep up the good work Iā€™m behind the all things. :ok_hand::grin::+1::clinking_glasses:


Hereā€™s a nice roundup of todayā€™s issues, who was affected & how they communicated with their users, from Business Insider -


Based on what happened yesterday (and not that long ago from the previous incident), are there any plans to have a secondary payment gateway to Mastercard to avoidā€¦

I understand this is the case for current accounts, but for pre-pay users this is still a concern and based on little information on current account role out, Iā€™m just curious to know the plans.

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Iā€™ve moved your post here, as this blog post details how the issue will be fixed for the current accounts.

Since theyā€™re launching this summer, it seems a little bit late to look for an interim solution. If there was an alternative solution that was easy to implement, Iā€™m guessing that Monzo (& the other challengers) would have adopted it already, to be honest.

We wonā€™t be making any large changes to the way the prepaid system works at this point, Iā€™m afraid. It is simply not a good use of time or money, considering that the prepaid system will no longer exist after we move everyone over to current accounts.


Hey @simonb, so are the current account roll out dates for:

  • Investors
  • Crowd cube
  • Existing users
  • General

ā€¦all quite close together I take it.

I mentioned it as I wasnā€™t sure if from investors to general could take 12 months, for example.

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Yes the roadmap shows that the current accounts will be rolled out to each of the groups that youā€™ve mentioned within a single 3 month period.

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Iā€™ve seen it mentioned before but thereā€™s a hole between 3 months and 6 months :neutral_face:

Yes there is -

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Yes, there shouldnā€™t be a huge gap between them. Those timelines will ideally be quite transparent once we move out of staff testing phase. We are moving towards the next phase quite quickly, which is partners and close family members.

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