Whats your Job and Salary?

Since when was a salary defined as monthly income?! :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™m the King of Switzerland. We need to talkā€¦:rage:


Uh oh, rumbled!


I sell hours of my life to a company in return for some money! :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


What? Wait, I DO THAT TOO!! :scream:

Iā€™m a head chef for a little cafe on a modest salary but canā€™t complain it pays the bills and leave me a little left over at the end of the month not that I wouldnā€™t love to earn Ā£8,000 a month but this job itā€™s just want I need with my partner having BPD she doesnā€™t like to be on her own in the evenings so I finish at 4:00pm every day and have Sundays off which is good for this trade


There was some research done on whether money can buy you happiness and the findings were that thereā€™s a threshold in terms of earnings before money doesnā€™t make an impact on your overall quality of life / emotional state.

$95,000 (about Ā£75,000) gets you ā€œoverall life satisfactionā€, though to get ā€œemotional well-beingā€ the amount is $60,000 - $70,000 (about Ā£46k - Ā£55k).


Which is utterly ridiculous. I know some very very happy and satisfied people living well below those numbers (myself included). Guess it depends how you measure ā€˜happinessā€™ and ā€˜life satisfactionā€™?

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Iā€™ve also heard that if you ask anyone what kind of salary they think theyā€™d need to be happy, almost everyone will say about 30% more than whatever theyā€™re on now. No matter how much theyā€™re earning.

Iā€™m someone who took a drastic pay cut to pursue my dream career, and I earn less than everyone else on this thread but love going to work every day, so I try not to complain too much (although yes, I do feel like a 30% payrise would make me a bit happier :joy:)


Money can indeed buy you happiness. the people that say it doesnā€™t are brain deadā€¦ If someone is rich they would have lots of time to spend with their family and live a happy life.

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Completely agree on this point.

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Erm. Ā£284,741 balance isnā€™t rich?

And I thought I was poor before thisā€¦!

Iā€™m a Bank Account Premiumisation Manager at a modern fintech bank.

Currently I earn Ā£6 Ā£3 an hour, but hoping to increase that as I bring new skills to the business.




Capitalism in a nutshell.


Iā€™m a full time carer with a salary of nadaā€¦

I am a moo cow farmer and I milk bulls for a living :joy::joy::joy:

Shhhh we get carers allowance which is less than job seekers :joy:

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This is either a nice fake orā€¦ the entire reason you created this post was to show off how much money you have??

Why are you asking, what is the purpose of this topic? Iā€™m curious.


Hang onā€¦Iā€™m the King of Switzerland and soā€™s my wifeā€¦