I’m really hoping they’ll finally bring premium to joint accounts. All of our spending is done on the joint account so until the features can at least be shared (I’m so sick of waiting - we’ll happily pay two sub fees) or better yet an ACTUAL premium joint account product it’s useless to us other than the savings in insurance but having a read it doesn’t sound like the travel insurance would be much cop; I think the policy wording only just stopped short of saying “if you’ve ever had a headache, brain injuries excluded”
I love Monzo but really need them to up their game. I prefer Monzo’s app over every other Fintech but if Chase begin to offer a competitive joint account product with the same cash back offers as the personal account, have to say we’re probably gone…
I did have my meeting with team and I was able to provide a breakdown of the overall suggestions/queries regarding how our paid accounts are going to evolve. They’re taking them all away and we should be able to get a more direct response from the team soon rather than me telling you how things are developing.
Main thing is obviously to give the most accurate response we can as well as not setting wrong expectations when it comes to what we’re developing going forward.
Thanks @AlanDoe and it’s much appreciated - understand you want to underpromise and over deliver, looking forward to some indication even if timescales are understandably vague
Monzo has, to I think - with a few honourable exceptions (hello @TheoGibson) lost the art of natural, authentic interaction.
I may well be wrong, but I suspect the paid folks are wondering about their comms strategy, development pipeline and may well be drafting a post to be approved by seniors and marketing people… when all that folk want is a bit of interaction. Something like Theo’s gold standard response here:
I should also say that honesty and interaction is appreciated, even if the answer isn’t what we want to hear (or there’s no real answer). So if there’s nothing planned tell us that, then explain why. Or just say that they’re thinking about marginal improvements and the back end.
Community interaction was a strong point and to see it wither makes me a bit sad.
I also think Theo has the knowledge/confidence/power(?) to share things, know what to say, what not to say etc. Same goes for Dan/Jack.
I’m sure this place can be a bit daunting when we see someone new, jump on them for more more more, or the critique comes because what they’ve said doesn’t match the demands of what people on here want.
So instead of tidbits we’ve actually got less info because we’ve scared them off.
Worldwide travel AND mobile insurance for you and your family.
UK AND European breakdown cover.
No Nationwide transaction fees for using your Visa debit card abroad.
All for £13! per month. If Monzo would add something like this I would upgrade to premium immediately . I’m currently a plus member but the premium is very out of date and over priced.
I would love and actually pay for Monzo premium if it offered that, and you’re right @pavel - Premium really could do with that functionality. I’d actually pay for it if it wasn’t just insurance for me.
I would actually consider going back to Nationwide but their app doesn’t seem to have changed much since I last banked with them in 201x
We’ve used their breakdown cover in the UK twice so far. Both times the service was brilliant. Easy to get Nationwide on the phone, relatively quick arrival of the recovery truck. The service is basically the top package of any breakdown company, offering recovery from home as well as from anywhere else (you usually have to pay more for home recovery with most breakdown companies).
Oh and now FlexPlus breakdown works with the AA, so you can even use the AA app to call them and give your location when you need them.