Our VP Product Management @lindseyjayne shares some of the ideas we’ll be scouting out this year
I know it’s only provisional… But I hope that Monzo don’t offer custom colours for their cards
Other than that, it was a really insightful read!
Love seeing plans like these
Help building and tracking your credit score - That’ll be awesome! Might negate my need for ‘all the apps’
More ways to save and invest your money - I see more pots in my future
A faster, better way to get a mortgage or remortgage - I think this will entice more users, young & old!
Can’t wait to see 2019 kick off with some amazing Monzo-ey goodness
Actually exciting to read, will give a “told you so” reply to all the people who say but its just the same as my current bank account…
Interesting read!!
I’m not massively bothered about this - The only good thing I can think of (and something I’d use), is having a different colour for my joint compared with sole.
Looking forward to the next stage of features - These ones look far more “added value” compared with the core offering that has been worked on for the past year or so!
I like the idea of different colour cards, but other than to look cool, what would they do? A different colour card for each pot so I can take money straight out of them (and stop me overspending if necessary ) ?
I think it removes the “wow” factor If Monzo ship a black card, nobody will notice, nobody will comment and nobody will care
However, if Monzo continue to exclusively ship Hot Coral cards, people can’t miss them They’re striking and interesting
that’s one of my favourite things about Monzo
But I do agree that having the ability to differentiate Single vs Joint account cards could be nice for some
We’d love to see rewards for those Monzo users who pay their rent on time through an improved Experian credit score.
Rent is typically a tenants biggest expense and is not routinely counted in their credit score. This is changing with HM Treasury-backed CreditLadder.
As discussed here amongst Monzo users previously it’s a hot topic CreditLadder Q&A and we have already seen Monzo users sign up directly.
To have CreditLadder sit natively in Monzo would make perfect sense.
I agree to an extent.
Although from a business perspective, I wonder how many people would choose NOT to use Monzo because of the bright coloured card…
I imagine Monzo will very much be in a place where it’s not the card colour that is winning people over (or starting a conversation), but it’s the whole “revolutionising banking” approach.
Loyalty schemes, rewards and cash back on the money you spend.
^^ This one would be incredible, as much as flux looks promising I hope theres a Monzo way to solve this
Visibility of more of your accounts in Monzo
My legacy bank (Danske Bank) has just brought support for this in with Santander accounts and aim to add more in the future. Its a lovely feature
More ways to save and invest your money .
Always going to say yes to better rates and more variety in savings pots
Very interesting and exciting read.
Looking forward to anything to do with clear and concise and mainly visible credit scoring.
Also the mortgage feature could be exciting given how Monzo has shown how they do banking
Lastly, I love my hot coral card, but is there any view to doing metal cards??
Clearer, fairer insurance when you need it.
One-click purchasing of travel insurance based on pre-saved medical data with a no-nonsense provider who would actually pay out in the event of medical emergency whilst abroad would be amazing.
Loyalty schemes, rewards and cash back on the money you spend.
Simple partnership with Quidco would be just the ticket here.
More ways to save and invest your money.
I would like to see pots that can be invested into passive, low-cost tracker funds such as those offered by Vanguard. The Investec 1% aer pot is good as a short-term savings solution but you need to offer something for those looking to invest on a longer term basis.
I’d love to see what I’ve mentioned on Twitter.
A “Monzo Plus” that is completely flexible to my needs. For example like a pay as you go system.
You start of with a base sum of maybe £2 a month (all figures completely made up) and you get a new card with it perhaps being metal and a new colour. Then, essentially you could bolt things on to this. So in practice:
- a phone insurance add on at a certain price
- Mastercard Airport Lounges
- Travel Insurance
Etc etc and then the system generates you a price per month to pay for these.
That would be brilliant for me, and something that would change current accounts I feel
Visibility of more of your accounts in Monzo
Could help lead to this
More ways to save and invest your money .
If I could see my pension, ISA, savings accounts in my Monzo account, I’d know at a glance if your savings rates were better than what I’m currently receiving. (also if I could see how little was in my pension, I might put more into it )
i’d like to see some consideration towards a credit union style lending facility.
Some interesting potential! I have all this unnecessary gumpf with my old HSBC advantage account that I don’t need. But if I cancel it I lose my insurance which I like having. So being able to bundle that in to Monzo would be cool.
Some very good stuff in there.
Including things like loyalty schemes and cashback will convince a lot of people to go fullmonzo.
How is it even possible to love a bank? Monzo you’re r amazing
Visibility of more of your accounts in Monzo
This is exciting to me. I have a few credit cards all in their own information silos. To be able to have a single source of truth on this would be fantastic.
I’m aware a few services already exist but most of those require providing your credentials and secrets in order them to operate - I’m not comfortable with this and if Monzo can come up with a solution that doesn’t require that, then I’m all for it!
My guess is if Monzo did offer a few extra choices on colour they’d all be rather eye popping or attention grabbing. They know the success that the current one has had and it would be a shame to throw that away.