What is happening with Customer Service!?

It was the only real differentiating feature monzo had, good customer service, and it was why I got an account. That disappeared quickly. It’s extremely unfortunate.


Generally agree with the above.

On the fact that COps can’t get your Plus back, I believe (based on what I’ve read here), that Monzo can’t actually manually apply Plus to your account.

Now… I find this incredibly hard to believe, so perhaps a Monzo staffer can confirm or deny if they see this?


It does honestly sound like no backend interface has been built to support the front end which I just can’t get my head around :exploding_head:


Hope you get it sorted ASAP. A company is only judged on its customer service these days and nothing else.
Maybe it’s just me but do people just contact cs just to test what’s it like? And then moan when it not up to “their” expectations?
Personally I’ve never had any problems with Monzo service.

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What I feel more about this situation is that @BethS should not be having to firefight whilst she isn’t on duty(Even if she is!)(Hands down amazing :+1: but that shows bigger issues)
If anything I think its an organisational issue and they need to nail it down fast. The December photo of them all( The entire company doing COps was clearly just a bandaid). There are other much more ingrained institutional issues that need be resolved before they get more out of hand then they already are


Here’s hoping I get the job when I go for an interview in two weeks… I’d love to be able to help with fixing Monzo’s current customer service issues. :3


All this really showed the world was how much of a disaster their support is. If your entire company has to work to get support queries down to one day you have a hugely serious issue.

And they seemed to have not learned from it.

The thing that I do wonder about is how they’re going to pay for it all. They apparently only just started making money off of accounts before they had to hire huge amounts of support staff. It still looks like they need to hire even more (or just pretend it isn’t a problem).

Are they still making money on accounts anymore.


I’m not sure I’d want a job in a severely understaffed department :smile: but I hope you get it, get the experience, so well and move up onto better things once it stops being beneficial to your development.


I enjoy a challenge, and Monzo seems like a decent challenge. XD

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Not necessarily there is a balance to whether this is just poor support in general or poor support due to high amount of people
One is a symptomatic problem one is a chronic problem. I’d argue the chronic problem is the worse of the two

This is why they were looking at Bots.
I’d argue that there are lots of things that you can do that don’t cost anything such as streamlining decision making and guides for certain features etc. There doesn’t necessarily need to be a cost involved

I totally agree they’re complete crap

But it depends as the tech for NLP improves I think you’ll see an increase in chat bots. At current level it is nowhere near fit for a multi million pound company to rely on.(If experts in AI and banking are not relying on it, there is a reason.)(That being said you can build simple ones that work well)(But they iterating on and not being rushed)

I agree with this. There are no guides or anything on how to use the App. Its a pitfall of design to think your design is perfect and it needs no direction.(Their user groups and research should have shown this,if not your user groupings are flawed)

I wouldn’t say never, they tried and then the message got lost(Its hard to hire when you need a chief recruiter and a talent director)

I think is another pitfall of design, you’ve designed it with a purpose in mind rather than for the customer. At the end of the day if its bad at handling a certain query you’ve built(designed it wrong)

Personally I’d do some data analysis on this and look at when the peak times are for queries and scale accordingly. As you now a base in the states this could further feed into the factoring.
Also maybe they need to look at different hiring criteria as I think the emotionally connected staff only go so far as I would argue showing empathy to your customers is fixing a problem quickly,effectively and with little to no faff.

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Where is this info from?

As far as I know each customer is contribution positive including support costs. Every new customer makes monzo better off

I do agree. I find the lack of visible staff involvement on the community a little strange. Well over 500 staff and yet only Beth is replying to stuff…


Strange this hasn’t been acknowledged by anyone higher up. It’s becoming more common place. I know the staff that are on here do their best (@BethS you really do go out of your way :clap:t2: ), but that’s not how it should be.

Like as many others have said, there’s something fundamentally wrong currently. Monzo is feeling like there isn’t anything special anymore. CS used to be the highlight, but that’s dipping below the traditional banks. I can get something sorted in one call/chat still with one of them. Like you used to be able to with Monzo.
The use of emojis and cheery CS agents doesn’t make up for the fact that the experience has been pretty rubbish lately.

I really hope it gets looked at before the US goes live, otherwise I can only see it getting even worse.


This is my real fear. I was slightly disappointed when the US launch was announced because we are having issues like this and expansion might make issues like CS worse


I think it’s very clear that monzo priority at the moment is on change that drives profit over other things like improving the customer experience and bringing existing features beyond MVP

I totally get the need to drive profit but feel there’s maybe a too much pressure from the top level of monzo to get a profit making position

I can’t blame them for this but think there is a better balance to be struck


Monzo are recruiting new COps staff, you only have to look at the Careers page to see the number of roles that are up. They’ve even started recruiting for Remote staff, even though they told a few of us in February they didn’t forecast them recruiting Remote staff any time soon… They do recognise there’s an issue, and I trust them to work on it! :slight_smile:
As for Beth being the only person who appears on the Community site, I have seen a few others. And if I do get a job there, I won’t be avoiding the community, I’ll be diving right in to keep answering questions like I do now from the outside. :smiley:

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Sure, all of this is true and I am sure they are working on it. It just seems for the second time that the scaling hasn’t worked out properly unfortunately.

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Whoever is doing the calculations and modelling, needs to improve