We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

I’ve had the new design since the beginning and it’s just reverted back to the old one today, can’t seem to get it back. Anyone managed? :frowning:

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I had the same. I think they pulled the version of the nav for those who originally opted in and it’s now done via Monzo Labs instead. However, I don’t think this is available yet for people on iOS with joint accounts. However, you can access it via TestFlight.


Yeah, not available for me, so will wait for an update.

I don’t use TestFlight so I feels like I’ve gone back in time (to about February!)


Ah I see, yeah I have a joint account so can’t see it in Labs. Hopefully that means it’s going to be released officially shortly?


I’m running v2.55.1 on Android.

Three things I dislike:

a) Inconsistent Behaviour - pressing on my Monzo card, either goes to the All accounts page (why?) or pushes my list of transactions higher up the page - its not consistent or logical imho

b) under my card graphic, the 4th button (in orange) is “manage and overdraft” - manage what… the card obviously but the language could be better/clearer

c) The All Accounts page lists Overdrafts twice: once as ‘Learn about overdrafts’ and once as ‘Loans and Overdrafts’. Once is enough.

Summary was the thing that made my wife and I switch to Monzo. Neither of us use the categories, but the “left to spend” feature has eliminated all spreadsheets and manual calculations of how much disposable income we have.

It’s not just for seeing how much you spend on certain things.

It’s the only reason we aren’t trying the new version, as without Summary Monzo doesn’t offer us anything we didn’t already have with Starling. In fact it gives us less, but Summary makes up for it and made it worth the switch. Once they have Summary in the new nav (and as easily accessible as the current version) we’ll be trying it out. My launcher icon for Monzo is set to launch straight to the Summary page as it’s the page I use most

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Summary is not going. It is still there, it is still accessible, it is not going. They are making it more obvious and more accessible than it is currently by integrating it more among the other views. That work is still in progress.

I feel like this response needs pinning the amount of people that are commenting saying they are unhappy it is going :joy:


re: a),

This is because nothing happens when you press on your card. Swiping down (away) the card takes you to the all accounts page (makes sense IMO and is a good interaction). This happens on all cards and pots. Swiping upwards will bring up your transactions if you are swiping the draw with the transactions in it. Your ‘pressing’ will be accidentally swiping and not pressing.

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Try clicking on the card twice and it raises the draw (at least here)

Yep you’re right, clicking a card opens and closes the draw, that seems like it makes sense though? A card is partially hidden, press it and it shows more, press again it hides it back. Drag it down is a quick access to view all. Makes sense to me and isn’t inconsistent.


I certainly didn’t say that. I replied to the previous comment saying it’s only useful for seeing how much you spend on certain things.

I’m fully aware it’s coming soon, and temporarily turned off due to cruft code. I even posted as such on another thread when someone mentioned their figures were off.

I think the issue is this thread has become so long, so people aren’t spotting the key posts, like Summary or the JA limitations. In fact I suspect if they were are de-duplicated the thread would be much shorter :grinning:

Me too :flushed:

Its obviously for Monzo to decide but I think having too many shortcuts in the app is not a good idea and will be confusing for average customers. There is also, already the View All icon - how many different ways do need to get from one page to another one

They have said the pull down is preferable to the view all and if they find through testing that it is used enough in favour of the view all button eventually the view all button may be removed altogether (which would free up a bit of space so always useful to remove buttons if you can from a design point of view).

We have completely disabled new navigation for users with Joint Account and app version < 2.55.0 in order to reduce complexity on our side.

The good news is that from version 2.55.0 onwards the full new navigation experience will be available in Monzo Labs also for JA users!


LOVE the new card switcher on the account page. Much better being able to swipe through single/joint accounts all all the pots within them. Much better animation, too!

Being able to switch accounts on the payments tab is also huge! THANK YOU!

However, I cannot see a list of transactions for the pots. Selecting ‘deposits’ I would expect to see a transaction list. It acts like a button (greys on select) but doesn’t take me anywhere. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


Cheers! Any news on when 2.55.0 is coming? Feeling very weird and annoying to be on the old one.


If you’re on iOS then it’s neither a bug nor you missing something. It is simply something that doesn’t exist. (I believe a pot transacion list has been available for a while on Android so I’m assuming that’s not where you are.)

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Yeah, do we know when that is coming out? Don’t like the old version now :confused:


I’ve always found this frustrating on iOS as well. Especially if I’m somewhere in the profile/setting section with no access to the home tab button. I feel like if you haven’t accessed the app in e.g. 10 minutes, it should do a proper refresh when you open, back to the home tab. This would also help with the iOS app issue of showing “yesterday’s” transactions as “today” long after midnight.

The today/yesterday thing does seem to have been better on the new layout though.
But it may just be that the app is using more memory (and getting killed from multitasking by the OS), as it does seem to fully load the app more often than before I switched the new nav on in labs.

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