Ok, so a bit of googling got me this first attempt, and it’s much better than I was expecting!
I added another sheet to the Google Sheet that Monzo creates for you and left the transaction list untouched. The transaction sheet updates around 10 seconds after an update in your Monzo app which is very cool. You can see the totals for each of my chosen categories (including some new Monzo Plus custom ones) which I got by using the formula below in Google Sheets:
=sumifs(‘Monzo Transactions’!H:H,‘Monzo Transactions’!G:G,“Entertainment”,‘Monzo Transactions’!B:B,“>=”&DATE(2020,6,29),‘Monzo Transactions’!B:B,“<=”&EOMONTH(TODAY(),0))
I’ve used the custom Date 2020,6,29 (29th June) as this was the last time I was paid. I haven’t worked out a way to not have to change this manually each month yet, any ideas? The formula automatically uses the end of the month date thanks to the final part of the formula, so there’s no issue there for now, but again, if you wanted it to be payday to payday you would need to change &EOMONTH(TODAY(),0 to the day before your next payday - so for me &DATE(2020,7,28)
I just copied this formula next to each of the category headings and changed ‘Entertainment’ in the formula, to ‘Bills’ or ‘Groceries’ depending what I needed the total for since 29 June. (I might try and work out my total ever spending percentages across all categories since 2017 to give myself a real scare!)
If anyone is interested in using this for a simple month to month graph (so 1st to end date of each month), then use this formula instead. It will then auto update as you get new transactions and reset every month automatically:
=sumifs(‘Monzo Transactions’!H:H,‘Monzo Transactions’!G:G,“Entertainment”,‘Monzo Transactions’!B:B,“>=”&EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)+1,‘Monzo Transactions’!B:B,“<=”&EOMONTH(TODAY(),0))
You have to convert your totals into a positive number if you want to make a graph. I used the formula =ABS(B3) etc, with B3 being the value of your spend for that category. I used column A and C to create the graph. If you have any positive numbers in your column (for example, that category actually PAID you), then it will probably mess it all ups a bit, so try and exclude them, or recategorise them into a category where you’ll still get a negative number. Or convert them to a negative number in column C somehow (maybe manually?) Mine is showing percentages, but I’m sure you could get it to show the actual values too, or any other bar, line charts etc etc.
Hopefully this is useful for someone using the new Monzo Plus feature and if you have any tips or improvements please let me know! I would love to make this fully automated and incredibly useful. I’m going to keep playing around anyway.
P.S. I get paid into Monzo, but use a Joint Account and a Credit card hence the very low values in the example screenshot! I also excluded all my general bank transfers out or into my Monzo account by not including the ‘General’ category.