Travel a lot using Uber to whisk you away from A to B?
Enter the code MASTERCARD205 in your Uber app and switch your payment to MasterCard (Mondo card) to get up to 20% off your next 5 rides when taken before Friday, July 1st.
N.B. Just sharing (nothing in it for me) and I can’t guarantee it will work on your uber account. Using it on my uber account and it’s limited to 5 transactions/ride until 1st July. T&Cs apply, contact uber for more details, etc
Would be a good candidate for sending via Intercom, with a thumbs up/down response allowing the person to choose whether they’d like to receive similar notifications in the future.
Hey all!
Currently in sunny Florida - so didn’t get all the notifications until now. Thanks for sending out the code via email blast team Mondo. Gmail & Office 365 have the toughest spam filters. I’m so glad everyone is finding/will find it useful!
Too bad the code only works for Uber trips within the UK
Activated this code successfully before my trip to Sweden but didn’t apply when I took a uber ride over there. I have contacted Uber to ask why, I’ll see what they come back with…